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Analytic units

rozetko edited this page Oct 7, 2019 · 12 revisions

There are two types of analytic units: patterns and basic threshold.

Creating Analytic units

  • Navigate to Analytics tab


  • Push Add Analytic Unit button


  • Set the desired Analytic unit name and Choose a Detector Type (pattern/threshold)


  • For pattern choose needed pattern type (General, Peaks, Troughs, Jumps, Drops) and press create


  • For Threshold just press create

  • To delete any Analytic Unit press the image (delete) button

You can create more than 1 Analytic unit. Just repeat the provided steps.

Set up Threshold detector

  • Choose a condition from the dropdown menu, type in the needed value in the input box and click Apply


Labeling your data

  • Click the button with the image (chart) icon

  • Hold down Ctrl button on Windows or Cmd on Mac and drag the cursor while holding down left mouse button to label patterns on your data.

    labelin in progress

    one labeled segment

  • When you have finished labeling - click the button with the chart icon once more.

    • image (Pending) status indicates that Hastic is downloading the dataset.
    • image (Learning) status indicates that Hastic is learning and detecting based on labeled segments
  • The patterns should become labeled in your graph soon image

    • Segments labeled with chosen color and with thick black borders - are labeled by the user.

    • Segments without thick black border are detected by Hastic.

    • image this icon means that the anomaly was marked by the server

    • image this icon means that the anomaly was marked by the user

Unlabeling and deleting segments

  • Unlabeling segments means the you simply remove specific segments from display, without triggering the learning process for hastic. To unlabel specific segments from the graph you need to:

    • Enter labeling mode (described above)
    • Pressing the U key on your keyboard will enable image (unlabeling) mode
    • Hold down Ctrl button on Windows or Cmd on Mac and drag the cursor while holding down left mouse button to mark segments for unlabeling.
    • Unlabeled segments should disappear
    • Click the button with the image (chart) icon to apply changes and exit unlabeling mode.
  • Deleting segments means the you remove specific segments from display, and force Hastic to start learning process. Hastic will take deleted segments into account and avoid detection of similar patterns. To delete specific segments you need to:

    • Enter labeling mode (described above)

    • Pressing the D key on your keyboard will enable image (deleting) mode

    • Hold down Ctrl button on Windows or Cmd on Mac and drag the cursor while holding down left mouse button to label segments for deletion.

    • Deleted segments will change color to chosen Deleted color and will have thick black borders around them: image

    • Click the button with the image (chart) icon to apply changes and exit deleting mode.

    • Hastic will now start learning again, based on updated segments list.


Each analytic unit has Inspect mode. It shows detection progress on the current timerange. Inspect button becomes available after learning. Metric parts become underlined with detection statuses when analytic unit is in Inspect mode. image

Note: you can Inspect only one analytic unit at a time.