HSR for anomaly analytic unit #653
Labeling for anomalies #631
HASTIC_PORT in .env file #640
Thresholds error: from is NaN #621
Anomaly detector: Need at least 1 labeled segment #667
Queue or drop learning task on new learning task #664
Anomaly detector: wrong seasonality offset #671
Not ending learning for anomaly detector #665
Detect thresholds on the whole dataset instead of 1 value #505
Start learning after analytic unit update #647
Set ready status for span only after inserting segments #648
Remove old detected segments and detection spans when learning starts #650
Merge threshold segments #624
Remove old detected segments and detection spans when learning starts #650
Anomaly detector: send confidence bounds instead of smoothed data #656
Optional HSR #273
"Add analytic unit" button style #285
Anomaly analytic unit: fetch confidence bounds from server #306
You can’t perform that action at this time.