# list all commands
# or
nogo h
first you should configure the Notion API key (encrypted & stored locally in $HOME/.config/nogo
by default) and the page ID you want to interact with.
# open configure prompt with
nogo c
# show the stack
nogo s
# show the help message stack
nogo s -h
current commands:
nogo stack - show the stack
nogo stack command [command options] [arguments...]
add, a add a new entry to the stack
mod, m modify a stack entry
toggle, t toggle stack entries
rm, r remove stack entries
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--help, -h show help (default: false)
Publishing steps:
git commit -m '<COMMENT>'
git tag <VERSION>
git push origin <VERSION>
GOPROXY=proxy.golang.org go list -m github.com/haykh/nogo@<VERSION>