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Counterfactual explanations for Reinforcement Learning agents on Atari


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GANterfactual-RL: Understanding Reinforcement Learning Agents' Strategies through Visual Counterfactual Explanations

Scheme of our approach and two example counterfactuals.

This repository contains the official source code for the AAMAS 2023 paper GANterfactual-RL: Understanding Reinforcement Learning Agents' Strategies through Visual Counterfactual Explanations. This Readme gives an overview on how to install the requirements and use the code.


We used python 3.7 with cuDNN 7.6.4 and CUDA 10.1.

First, install requirements from requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can install the pytorch version we used as follows:

pip install torch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 torchaudio==0.7.2 --index-url

To properly install baselines you have to use their git repository, not pip. We used the commit ea25b9e8b234e6ee1bca43083f8f3cf974143998

git clone
cd baselines
pip install -e .

Finally, we only tested on windows 10. To get atari-py to run on windows, we used the following repository with release 1.2.2:

pip install --no-index -f atari_py

Code Structure & Usage

The following sections describe how the code is organized and provide examples for the usage of core functionalities.

Data Set Generation

The module src/ contains functions for the generation of data sets to train our Counterfactual Explanation models. create_dataset() generates a data set and create_unique_dataset() creates a new duplicate-free version of it. under_sample() under-samples the data set so that each domain has the same amount of samples and split_dataset() generates a test set with a given train/test-split.

As an example, the following settings of src/ were used to generate the dataset for the Blue Ghost Pac-Man agent in our paper:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  # Settings
  env_name = "MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4"
  agent = keras.models.load_model("../res/agents/PacMan_Ingame_cropped_5actions_5M.h5")
  nb_domains = 5
  nb_samples = 400000
  dataset_path = "../res/datasets/PacMan_Ingame"
  unique_dataset_path = dataset_path + "_Unique"
  domains = list(map(str, np.arange(nb_domains)))

  # Data set generation
  create_dataset(env_name, nb_samples, dataset_path, agent, seed=42, epsilon=0.2, domains=domains)
  # Additional down-sampling to reduce memory cost for removing duplicates.
  # In the end, this should in most cases not minder the amount of total samples, since min_size is set.
  under_sample(dataset_path, min_size=nb_samples / nb_domains)
  create_unique_dataset(unique_dataset_path, dataset_path)
  split_dataset(unique_dataset_path, 0.1, domains)

Training the GANterfactual-RL models

The StarGAN source code (located in src/star_gan) within our GANterfactul-RL implementation is based on the source code from the official StarGAN implementation. We only extended and modified the code where necessary. StarGAN can either be trained via the console by executing src/star_gan/ with the parameters described in the module or via the train_star_gan() function in src/

For example, the following settings of src/ were used to train StarGAN for the Blue Ghost Pacman agent in our paper:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  train_star_gan("PacMan_Ingame_Unique", "PacMan_Ingame", image_size=176, image_channels=3, c_dim=5,
                 batch_size=16, agent_file= None)

Training the CSE models

The source code for the approach "Counterfactual State Explanations for Reinforcement Learning Agents via Generative Deep Learning" by Olson et al. (2021) (located in src/olson) is based on their published source code. As for StarGAN, we only extended and modified the source code where necessary. The script src/olson/ (the script name is a bit misleading) can be used to train a Wasserstein Autoencoder (WAE) and the script src/olson/ can be used to train the encoder, generator and discriminator.

HIGHLIGHT-DIV Summaries wit Counterfactuals

The module src/ contains an implementation of the HIGHLIGHTS-DIV algorithm introduced in "Highlights: Summarizing agent behavior to people" by Amir et al. (2018), as well as utility functions for the generation of counterfactuals for summary states.

For example, the following settings src/ generates a directory with 5 HIGHLIGHTS-DIV summary states for the Blue Ghost Pacman agent and generates Counterfactual explanations for all those states.

if __name__ == "__main__":
    OLSON = True
    STARGAN = True

    # Settings
    summary_dir = "../res/HIGHLIGHTS_DIV/Summaries/Pacman_Ingame"

    nb_actions = 5  # 5 for Pacman, 6 for SpaceInvader
    img_size = 176  # 176 for Pacman, 160 for SpaceInvader
    agent_latent = 256  # 512 for ACER, 256 for DQN, 32 for Olson Agents
    is_pacman = True
    cf_summary_dir = "../res/HIGHLIGHTS_DIV/CF_Summaries/SpacInvaders"

    model_name = "PacMan_Ingame"

    # The Fear Ghost agent uses a pytorch version of the agent for the Olson CF generation
    # but the baselines model for generating HIGHLIGHTS. Thats why we have to differentiate between the agents
    olson_agent_path = "../res/agents/Pacman_Ingame_cropped_5actions_5M.h5"

        env_name = "MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4"
        agent_type = "keras"
        agent_path = r"../res/agents/Pacman_Ingame_cropped_5actions_5M.h5"
        num_frames = 5
        interval_size = 50
        num_simulations = 50
        ablate_agent = False
        if agent_type == "acer":
            agent = load_baselines_model(agent_path, num_actions=5,
        if agent_type == "olson":
            agent = olson_model.Agent(6, 32)
            agent.load_state_dict(torch.load(agent_path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
        elif agent_type == "keras":
            agent = keras.models.load_model(agent_path)

        # Generate a summary that is saved in summary_dir
        generate_highlights_div_summary(env_name, agent, num_frames, num_simulations, interval_size, summary_dir,
                                        agent_type=agent_type, ablate_agent=ablate_agent)

    if STARGAN:
        # Load a StarGAN generator
        generator = Generator(c_dim=nb_actions, channels=3).cuda()
        generator.load_state_dict(torch.load("../res/models/" + model_name + "/models/200000-G.ckpt",
                                             map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))

        # Generate CFs for that summary which are saved in cf_summary_dir
        generate_summary_counterfactuals(summary_dir, generator, nb_actions, img_size, cf_summary_dir)

    if OLSON:
        # Load all relevant models that are necessary for the CF generation of Olson et al. via load_olson_models()
        olson_agent, olson_encoder, olson_generator, olson_Q, olson_P = load_olson_models(
            "../res/models/" + model_name + "_Olson/enc39",
            "../res/models/" + model_name + "_Olson/gen39",
            "../res/models/" + model_name + "_Olson_wae/Q",
            "../res/models/" + model_name + "_Olson_wae/P",

        # Generate CFs for that summary which are saved in cf_summary_dir
        generate_olson_summary_counterfactuals(summary_dir, olson_agent, olson_encoder, olson_generator, olson_Q, olson_P,
                                               is_pacman, nb_actions, save_dir=cf_summary_dir + "_Olson")


The module src/ contains the class "Evaluator" that can be used for quantitative evaluations on a test set. Evaluations are performed by generating a counterfactual for each possible target action on every sample from the test set.

For example, the following settings for src/ can be used to evalute the CSE counterfactual model for the Fear Ghost Pacman agent in our paper:

if __name__ == "__main__":

        # Settings
        ## Pacman
        pacman = True
        nb_actions = 5
        env_name = "MsPacmanNoFrameskip-v4"
        img_size = 176
        agent_file = "../res/agents/ACER_PacMan_FearGhost2_cropped_5actions_40M_3"
        agent_type = "acer"
        model_type = "olson"
        ablate_agent = False
        agent_latent = 512
        if agent_type == "deepq":
            agent = keras.models.load_model(agent_file)
        elif agent_type == "acer":
            agent = load_baselines_model(agent_file, num_actions=5, num_env=1)
        elif agent_type == "olson":
            # Loads a torch model with the specific architecture that Olson et al. used
            agent = olson_model.Agent(6, 32).cuda()
            agent.load_state_dict(torch.load(agent_file, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))
        elif agent_type == "torch_acer":
            # diry numbers for 5 actions for pacman and latent size 512
            agent = olson_model.ACER_Agent(num_actions=5, latent_size=512).cuda()
        elif agent_type == "torch":
            # TODO
            raise NotImplementedError("not yet implemented")

        # Create the Evaluator
        evaluator = Evaluator(agent, "../res/datasets/ACER_PacMan_FearGhost2_cropped_5actions_40M_3_Unique/test", env_name,
                              img_size=img_size, agent_type=agent_type, ablate_agent=ablate_agent)

        if model_type == "stargan":
            # Load a StarGAN generator
            generator = Generator(c_dim=nb_actions, channels=3).cuda()
                                                 map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage))

            # Evaluate StarGAN
            cm, df = evaluator.evaluate_stargan(generator)

        if model_type == "olson":
            # Load all relevant models that are necessary for the CF generation of Olson et al. via load_olson_models()
            olson_agent, olson_encoder, olson_generator, olson_Q, olson_P = load_olson_models(

    # To reload old evaluation results
        pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
        results = Evaluator.get_results_comparison(["../res/results/SpaceInvaders_Abl", "../res/results/SpaceInvaders_Abl_Olson"])


The folder res/agents contains the agents that were used for our paper. The Pacman agents were trained with our fork of the openAI baselines repository. The Space Invaders agents were copied from the repository of Olson et al..

The folder res/results contains the evaluation results, as well as figures of dataset statistics.

The folder res/HIGHLIGHTS_DIV contains HIGHLIGHTS_DIV summaries (in res/HIGHLIGHTS_DIV/Summaries), as well as counterfactuals for these summary states (in res/HIGHLIGHTS_DIV/CF_Summaries).

We used the folders res/datasets and res/models to save generated datasets and trained Counterfactual Explanation approaches. However, these folders are not added to the repository due to the high storage usage. They are available on request.

User Study

The folder user_study contains the evaluation of our user study. For more details, see the readme there.


Counterfactual explanations for Reinforcement Learning agents on Atari







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