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Porting Fixes to Sustaining Branches

Joe DiPol edited this page Sep 26, 2022 · 2 revisions

At any given time we will have source branches to support multiple Helidon major releases. For example: main, helidon-2.x, helidon-3.x. Often a fix is applicable to multiple releases. This is the process for tracking these ports:

  1. A new issue comes in filed against a specific release. The new issue is triaged and assigned.
  2. When the assignee begins working on the issue the assignee should:
    1. Make sure the original issue has one release label for the release it was filed against (i.e. 3.x)
    2. Evaluate if a fix is needed for other releases
    3. Use the Create backport issues workflow to create issues for other releases.
    4. Verify the created issues were created correctly (possibly closing issues if the workflow was overly enthusiastic with its issue creation)
  3. The assignee starts work on the issues and can reference the issues from the porting PRs, set milestone for the correct release, etc.


  1. New issue comes in for a bug in helidon-3.x
  2. Bug is triaged and assigned
  3. Assignee evaluates bug and starts working on fix for helidon-3.x. He makes sure issue has only the 3.x label
  4. Assignee determines fix is needed for helidon-2.x and main. Assignee runs Create backport issues workflow and verifies issues are created correctly
  5. Assignee works on PRs, cross referencing issues