Upload your Spotify Playlists to Deezer with this Python3 application.
- Python 3
pip install urwid
- Use caseychu's great playlist backup script and export to JSON
python spotify-backup.py --format=json myplaylist.txt
- Register a new Deezer App (they don't support the secret-less implicit grant OAuth as of now) Be sure to leave redirect URL and domain as in the picture
5. Select or Deselect playlists, if needed. TAB switches focus to buttons on bottom. Space or Enter change selection 6. Start the import from the main menu, after saving. Some tracks will be not available on Deezer, those will be skipped.python spotify-restore.py myplaylist.txt
Note, this will take a long time, especially with a large number of playlists / large track count So get a coffee, brew some more, establish a coffee plantation business with fair trade principles, make some money and come back to check, if the script is finished.
Hint: The script will skip playlists that are already present on Deezer. So if you have any connection errors or timeouts, simply start again. It will pick up where it left.
- Open issue describing the fix or improvement
- Start Pull request, referencing the issue
- Wait for approval or disapproval