An easy to use toolkit to run benchmarks on PyTorch based Generative models. Currently supports benchmarks for the following:
- Torch Scaled Dot Product Attention (SDPA) Kernel
- LLM Tokenizers (Tiktoken and Huggingface Tokenizer)
- Huggingface Transformers Text Generation Pipeline
- Huggingface Transformers Model forward call
It aims to collect benchmarks from a variety of sources (in addition to custom ones), including:
- fxmarty/efficient-attention-benchmark
- optimum/benchmark_bettertransformer
- tiktoken/scripts/
The benchmarking functions return a dataframe with all necessary columns that can serve as a basis for further analysis. The columns are consistent so different benchmarks can be combined into one dataframe. This can help to run analysis across a variety of different factors like GPUs, Models, Batch Sizes, Optimizations, CUDA and CUDNN versions, torch.compile use, etc. It can also serve as a way to quickly get the best optimizations for a model. It also provides utility functions to easily profile models and functions via the Torch Profiler.
Additionally, it also provides an easy to use Optimizer that allows you to apply a variety of optimizations to a model and benchmark it.
We provide CSV files for prerun benchmarks in the benchmarks
folder. These can be used to quickly compare your results with ours. The folder will be updated regularly with new models. Example notebooks in the notebooks
folder show how to quickly analyze the results.
The following optimizations are currently supported (More coming soon, including CUDA graphs, Torch Dynamo export, etc):
- Torch SDPA via Optimum BetterTransformer.
can run isolated benchmark for each SDPA kernel including Flash Attention, Efficient Attention, Math and Native (without kernel selection). - Torch compile for Torch versions > 2.
The following precisions are currently supported (More coming soon, including 8bit and maybe 4bit?):
- torch.float32
- torch.float16
- torch.bfloat16
Please open an issue if you want to see your favorite optimization, precision or model supported.
Table of Contents
pip install git+
If this doesn't work, you can clone the repo and do a manual install.
NOTE: More detailed documentation coming soon
For now, the package does assume that you are running it on a GPU based system. It will be updated to show a warning if you are running it on a CPU based system.
Get benchmark df for Text Generation Pipeline:
import genbench.llm.text_generation as textgen_bench
df = textgen_bench.get_text_generation_benchmark_df("gpt2", forward_only=True, cpu_bench=False, n_repeat=8)
Get profiler for Text Generation Pipeline:
import genbench.llm.text_generation as textgen_bench
profiler = textgen_bench.profile_text_generation("gpt2")
Optimize a torch model:
from genbench.optimizer import Optimizer
from torch.backends.cuda import SDPBackend
from transformers import AutoModel
model = AutoModel.from_pretrained("gpt2")
with Optimizer(sdp_backend=SDPBackend.FLASH_ATTENTION, dtype=torch.float16, bettertransformer=True, compile=True) as opt:
model = opt(model)
See llm_bench.ipynb for a short notebook on how to analyze the dataframe.
is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.