An extremely simple and novice attempt at a golang blog-esc static web server and website, free to be re-used.
Feel free to fork and improve, this is a slow and arduious exploration of Golang for me and is going to be a tangled mess forever.
The following practices within the GoLang language are used (to various degrees of success)
- Multiple packages with exported types and methods
- Custom Structs and Types
- MultiThreading with Go routines
- Database accessing (MySQL, MongoDB was/is a possible future feature)
- HTML and text based templating for static data
*Weither or not these following features get implimented is as of yet utterly unknown.
- Replacement of HTML templates with Vue.js/React.js components.
- Creation of a "REST" API service to be consumed by web components.
- MongoDB or similar document storage solution.
- Admin/Creator page for modifying/adding articles.
- Markdown editor / Article editor.