NOTE: This library has been abandoned in favour of time-literals. After much deliberation, it has been decided that 'jsr310' is too obscure to have as the tag namespace.
A Clojure(Script) library to help reading and printing objects from jsr-310, which on the jvm (bundled with Java 8+ only) is implemented in the java.time library and in Javascript as the 'JSJoda' library (which is actually an implementation of JSR-310, rather than joda-time, as it's name would suggest).
If you're not using it already The tick library is an intuitive Clojure(Script) library for dealing with time, intended as a replacement for clj-time
If you only need Instant
from jsr-310, you could just rebind the tag readers and printer fns for #inst
Also java-time-literals is a library which is similar but currently only works
on the jvm, and also doesn't provide a way to read edn with the literals (via clojure.edn/read-string or cljs.reader). Also the naming of tags
in this library follows the tick (v 0.4+) convention, for example
for LocalDate, instead of #time/ld
[jsr310-tagged-literals "0.1.1"]
The library includes the magic file data_readers.cljc
which Clojure and the Clojurescript
compiler will look for.
Example literals:
#jsr310/month "JUNE"
#jsr310/period "P1D"
#jsr310/date "2039-01-01"
#jsr310/date-time "2018-07-25T08:08:44.026"
#jsr310/zoned-date-time "2018-07-25T08:09:11.227+01:00[Europe/London]"
#jsr310/offset-date-time "2018-07-25T08:11:54.453+01:00"
#jsr310/instant "2018-07-25T07:10:05.861Z"
#jsr310/time "08:12:13.366"
#jsr310/duration "PT1S"
#jsr310/year "3030"
#jsr310/year-month "3030-01"
#jsr310/zone "Europe/London"
#jsr310/day-of-week "TUESDAY"
For example, in a Clojure repl:
(require '
; Get a node repl going, or equivalent start figwheel and connect with sidecar etc
(require '[cljs.repl :as cljs-repl])
(require '[cljs.repl.node :as node])
(cljs-repl/repl* (node/repl-env)
{:output-dir "out"
:optimizations :none
:cache-analysis true
:source-map true})
;Now, in cljs repl
(require '[java.time ])
(println #jsr310/duration "PT1S")
; => #object[Duration PT1S]
; Now, include printing and edn reading
(require '[])
(println #jsr310/duration "PT1S")
; => #jsr310/duration "PT1S"
Read an edn string:
(cljs.reader/read-string "#jsr310/date \"2011-01-01\"")
As with any non-core tagged literal, the tag reader functions referred to from a data_readers file must be loaded before the forms can be read.
(require '[])
(println #jsr310/duration "PT1S")
(require '[])
Printing will now automatically change, for example re run the println above
Read edn like this:
(clojure.edn/read-string {:readers} "#jsr310/date \"2011-01-01\"")
Using clojure.core/read-string, you'd need to eval
after the call to read-string
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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.