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HepMC3 is a new version of the HepMC event record. It uses shared pointers for in-memory navigation and the POD concept for persistency. Visit the home page of the project or the CERN GitLab repository for more information. A short information on the compatibility between the HepMC3 versions and deprecation of some functionality see below. You can also send bug reports, feature requests and questions about HepMC3 to

Quick-start (applicable to recent versions):

  1. On the Linux platform HepMC3 is available from the standard repositories of multiple many linux distributions: Fedora, CentOS(EPEL), Arch Linux, Mageia, openSUSE Tumbleweed, Debian (outdated) etc. It is recommended to use the system package manager to install HepMC3 for these systems. The following commands will install the HepMC3 in the corresponding systems:
  • Fedora: The package is available from the standard repository. To install:

    sudo dnf install HepMC3 HepMC3-devel HepMC3-search HepMC3-search-devel HepMC3-interfaces-devel HepMC3-doc

    To have a full installation of the HepMC3-doc package, add an option --setopt=tsflags=''

  • RHEL, CentOS and compatible The package is available from the EPEL repository. To install:

    sudo yum install epel-release
    sudo yum install HepMC3 HepMC3-devel HepMC3-search HepMC3-search-devel HepMC3-interfaces-devel HepMC3-doc

For the Fedora and CentOS the ROOT interface packages HepMC3-rootIO and HepMC3-rootIO-devel can be installed in the same way, but will bring root as a dependency. The python binding packages could have different names depending on the used system, e.g. these are python36-HepMC3, python36-HepMC3-rootIO and python36-HepMC3-rootIO for the CentOS7. Therefore, the simplest solution is to install bindings for all the available python version in the system using

  sudo yum install python*-HepMC3
  • openSUSE/Leap The HepMC3 package is available from the standard repositories To install:

    sudo zypper install HepMC3

    The package does not include ROOT interface.

  • Arch linux The package is available from To install:

    sudo pacman -Syu hepmc

    The dependencies can vary.

  • Gentoo linux The package is available in the standard repository To install:

    sudo emerge --ask hepmc:3
  • MacOSX The HepMC3 package is available in the homebrew-hep repository To install:

    brew tap davidchall/hep
    brew install hepmc3

    The package optionally includes ROOT interface.

  • Windows The precompilled HepMC3 packages are available in for Windows and other platforms also in PyPi. The Windows users can use pip to install HepMC3. pip install HepMC3 The packages from pip do not include ROOT interface.

  • LCG platforms The HepMC3 package is available in the LCG from multiple platforms. The HepMC3 cmake files are located under /cvmfs/${LCG_PLATFORM}/share/HepMC3/cmake, e.g. in /cvmfs/ for the x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt platform.

If for any reason the instalation from the repositories is not possible or is not desired, the instructions to build HepMC3 from the sources The minimal requirements for the installation from sources are

  • C++ compiler with c++11 standard support.
  • CMake version 3.X.

It is strongly recommended to read this documentation completely before the installation. However, if for some reason that is not possible, here is a set of commands for the instalation that can be copied and pasted into a Unix terminal. In some cases this action might result in a fully functional installation.

  tar -xzf HepMC3-3.2.6.tar.gz
  mkdir hepmc3-build
  cd hepmc3-build
  cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../hepmc3-install   \
        -DHEPMC3_ENABLE_ROOTIO:BOOL=OFF            \
        -DHEPMC3_ENABLE_TEST:BOOL=OFF              \
        -DHEPMC3_PYTHON_VERSIONS=3.12     \
        -DHEPMC3_Python_SITEARCH312=../hepmc3-install/lib/python3.12/site-packages \
  make install

The full explanation for the installation options is given below.

  1. The first step of the installation is to a)Checkout the HepMC from GIT repository:
git clone

or b) download the tarball with wget or any other tool

tar -xzf HepMC3-3.2.6.tar.gz
  1. Create a workspace area on which to perform the builds
mkdir hepmc3-build
cd hepmc3-build
  1. Configure the HepMC3 features to build and install: a)

or b)

cmake -DHEPMC3_ENABLE_ROOTIO=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../hepmc3-install ../HepMC3-3.2.6

To disable compilation of the search engine (enabled by default) add


Please note, in case of using the search engine, the easiest way to link against HepMC3search could be to use static version of the library.

To disable compilation of Python bindings (enabled by default) add


See points 10a and 10b below for more details on configuring the Python extension for installation into non-system areas (e.g. in a virtual environment) and for compatibility with PyPy.

Please note that on some RedHat-like systems the executable of CMake version 3 is called cmake3.

  1. In order to build with ROOTIO put the following flags and define LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:path_to_ROOT6_libraries
  1. In order to build with HepMC3 example put

Please note that some examples are disabled on Windows.

For tests and for development purposes HepMC3 uses extra packages, e.g. GrpahViz, binder. On Windows, most extra packages have no default location.

  1. In order to build and run tests put

and run

make test

after compilation is completed

  1. Build and install HepMC3
make -jN install

where N denotes a number of desired parallel jobs. On Windows (in Unix-compatible shell) one can use

cmake --build ./


Please note that you have to have permissions to install HepMC3 into the selected directory.

  1. To run the tests do
ctest .

On Windows/MSVC the build type should be specified

ctest . -C Debug
  1. HepMC3 packages are available from standard repositories of Debian, Redhat/Fedora, Arch, hep-homebrew and others. To build Windows installer use NSIS and run
cpack.exe -G NSIS -C Debug

The primary supported development chains are gcc@Linux, clang@Linux, gcc@OSX, clang@OSX and MSVC@Windows10, however the code has been tested on other compilers and systems, e.g. clang@FreeBSD, Sun@Solaris11, gcc@Solaris11, Sun@Linux, PGC@Linux etc. Only a limiter support can be offered for these systems.

  1. HepMC3 is supplied with Python bindings codes that can be build on multiple systems. The number of potential combinations of compiler suites, Python versions and operation systems is quite large, therefore it is recommended to install the HepMC3 form the default repositories of the used operating system. If not possible, the following options are available

Please note that only the PyPi packages are officially supported.


The installation path for the Python modules can be tweaked with a set of dynamically named CMake variables:


For example, the variable is called HEPMC3_Python_SITEARCH36 for Python version 3.6. So, to set the installation path of the HepMC3 modules for Python 3.6, add this to the arguments of cmake:


By default the HEPMC3_Python_SITEARCH${Python_VERSION_MAJOR}${Python_VERSION_MINOR} variables are set to the path of the used installation of Python. In some cases you would not have permissions to install the Python modules to that directory, so the change of the installation path for the Python modules would be mandatory. A natural choice is the Python module directory inside your installation prefix, e.g.

cmake ...

To specify the desired versions of Python to build the HepMC3 modules, pass the HEPMC3_PYTHON_VERSIONS option to cmake, e.g.

cmake ... -DHEPMC3_PYTHON_VERSIONS=3.6,3.12

will build Python modules for versions Python 3.6 and Python 3.12. By default CMake will attempt to build the Python modules for Python version 3.


In addition to the standard CPython modules, it is possible to build HepMC3 modules for PyPy. However, the PyPy support is experimental. To build the bindings against the pypy-c library use pypy<version> for the HEPMC3_PYTHON_VERSIONS option, e.g.


This also requires quite a recent CMake.

HepMC3 is shipped with interfaces to some MC event generators/codes located in the interfaces/ directory. This is done to allow the usage of HepMC3 with codes that so far don't have HepMC3 interfaces. In the future the codes from the interfaces will be submitted to the upstream of corresponding projects and removed from HepMC3.

To enable the installation of interfaces use -DHEPMC3_INSTALL_INTERFACES:BOOL=ON option for the cmake.

In order to build with PROTOBUFIO put the following flags


Adjustment of LD_LIBRARY_PATH might be needed.

Using a binary distribution of HepMC3 in your CMake project

To include an existing build of HepMC3 in your project, you can use find_package as below:

find_package(HepMC3 3.2.0 REQUIRED)

This will set up a number of CMake variables targets depending on the features that were built with the found version of HepMC3. Some useful CMake variables that will be set are included below:


Generally in modern CMake projects you should use exported targets to model dependencies, rather than setting your own compiler and linker options using the values of variables like the above. Modern HepMC3 exports a number of targets, reproduced below:


HepMC3::search_static #if -DHEPMC3_BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON
HepMC3::protobufIO_static #if -DHEPMC3_BUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON

To link a target, MyLibrary, from your project to the main HepMC3 library you would include a CMake command like:

target_link_libraries(MyLibrary PUBLIC HepMC3::All)

N.B. That these exported targets container their own dependencies, the above should be all that is needed to correctly set up the relevant compiler options, include directories, and link options on MyLibrary. This includes, for example, if you need to write out using the rootIO module, HepMC3::All links to HepMC::rootIO, which depends on a number of ROOT libraries and the ROOT include directory.

A ROOT Gotcha

The way that the dependency on ROOT is currently included, means that paths to the ROOT include directory and ROOT libraries are hard-coded in the exported targets. This means that if your version of HepMC3 was built against one install of ROOT and other parts of your project pick up a different install of ROOT, you could have conflicts.

Adding a dependency to HepMC3 with CPM.cmake

CPM.cmake wraps modern CMake builtins to provide an intuitive interface for specifying dependencies within a CMake project that can be fetched and built automatically if they are not found. To include HepMC3 in your CMake project via CPM.cmake include something like:

    NAME HepMC3
    VERSION 3.2.6
    GIT_TAG 3.2.6

To use this version of HepMC3 in your CMake project, follow the instructions above.

During the configuration step of your project, the HepMC3 source of the specified version will be fetched and its CMake project run and targets set up and exposed to your project such that the dependent build and installation is automatically run as required by your project targets.

You can optionally try and find an existing HepMC3 installation, rather than build a dependent one, by using CPMFindPackage instead of CPMAddPackage.

Installation troubleshooting

The possible problems during the HepMC3 installation can be caused by

  • The used C++ compiler that does not support C++11. The only solution is to use compiler with C++11 support
  • The used CMake is too old.
  • Compilation of python bindings fails. pybind11 used by HepMC3 to create the python bindings supports only some compilers (gcc,clang, MSVC), therefore it is expected that the bindings will work with these compilers.


HepMC3 is shipped with multiple examples. These can be compiled during installation as described above or after the installation (for HepMC3>3.1.0). To compile the examples after the installation copy the installed directory with examples to desired directory and run CMake, e.g.

mkdir -p myexamples
cd myexamples
cp -r /usr/share/doc/HepMC3-3.2.6/examples ./
cd examples
cmake -DUSE_INSTALLED_HEPMC3=ON CMakeLists.txt

Please note that in case the HepMC3 installation is not system-wide, CMake will require an additional flag -DHepMC3_DIR=/directory/where/you/have/HepMC3Config.cmake/file to point to the directory containing the installed HepMC3Config.cmake file. The examples use multiple parts of HepMC3, therefore to use all of them a full installation of HepMC3 (i.e. including ROOT MC event generator interfaces is needed).

Compatibility and deprecation notes

  • The IO_GenEvent (HepMC2) and HEPEVT ASCII files produced by all HepMC3 versions should be readable by all HepMC3 versions and latest versions of HepMC2.

  • The Asciiv3 (HepMC3) ASCII files produced by all HepMC3>=3.0.0 versions should be readable by all HepMC3>3.0.0 versions.

  • The ROOT files produced by all HepMC3>=3.0.0 versions should be readable by all HepMC3>3.0.0 versions.

  • The ROOT files produced by all HepMC3>=3.1.0 versions will not be readable by HepMC3<3.1.0 versions.

  • The HepMC3 versions with the same SOVERSION of library are ABI backwards compatible. I.e. the code compiled with HepMC3=3.2.x will work with HepMC3=3.2.(x+1) if libHepMC3=3.2.(x+1) will have the same SOVERSION as libHepMC3=3.2.x. Please note that libHepMC3, libHepMC3search and other libraries have different SOVERSION.

  • The minor versions of HepMC3 are API backward compatible.

  • The major versions of HepMC3 are almost API backward compatible.

  • For HepMC3>3.2.6 the member functions in GenEvent/GenVertex that deal with raw pointers, e.g. add_particle_in ( GenParticle *p ) will be removed.

  • The Python2 is not in development anymore, therefore it was removed from HepMC3>3.2.7.

  • The class HepMC3::RelativesInterface are deprecated will be removed in the future. Use HepMC3::children_particles, HepMC3::descendant_particles, etc. instead.

  • The minimal required version of cmake slowly changes from version to version. It is recommented to use the cmake released not earlier than 3-4 years ago.

  • HepMC3 CI uses the GNU and LLVM (Clang) compiler toolsets for compilation on Linux/x86_64, therefore those compilers are the primary supported compilers. In addition to that HepMC3 compilation is tested regularly with MSVC@Windows/x86_64, GNU@Darwin/x86_64, GNU@Darwin/aarch64 and GNU@Linux/(architectures supported by RHEL/Fedora). The following compiler combinations are tested irregularly: ARM@Linux/aarch64, IntelLLVM@Linux/x86_64, Intel@Linux/x86_64, NVidia@Linux/x86_64, IBM XL@Linux/ppc64le, AOCC@Linux/x86_64. SunPro@Linux/x86_64 is not supported as of 3.2.8.

Source package structure

The package sources are organized as follows:

  1. The topmost directory contains the README and AUTHORS files, short design description, the main CMake file CMakeLists.txt, the package license, the change log, and a template configuration file.
  1. The subdirectory src/ contains the core set of library sources while the corresponding headers are located in include/HepMC3 directory. The subdirectory include/HepMC3/Data includes headers with definitions of POD structures used in the library.

  2. The subdirectory search/src contains a set of source files of the search sublibrary while the corresponding headers are located in the search/include/HepMC3 directory. The search/CMakeLists.txt file is used by CMake to build the search sublibrary.

  3. The subdirectory rootIO/src contains a set of source files of the rootIO sublibrary while the corresponding headers are located in the search/include/HepMC3 and search/include/ directories. The rootIO/CMakeLists.txt file is used by cmake to build the search sublibrary.

  4. The subdirectory python contains a set of source files required for compilation of the Python bindings to the library. These include the python/include/pybind11 directory with the pybind11 headers. The python/src/ directory contains custom


and automatically generated binding sources


The automatically sources were generated using the binder configurations


and the header files generated from the templates


The directory contains the files that are used to build a Python package and installation:


The python/CMakeLists.txt file is used by CMake to build the binding.

  1. The subdirectory interfaces/ contains subdirectories with interfaces (C++/Fortran source files, C++ headers) to Monte Carlo event generators and event processing tools, e.g. HepMC2 and pythia6.

  2. The subdirectories test/ and python/test contain sets of files (source files, scripts, inputs) that are used in the unit tests of the library and the Python bindings respectively. The files in test/ can be split in two groups:

  • The tests of HepMC3 on itself with its inputs, e.g.

The tests ib both directories can also serve as examples for usage of HepMC3.

  1. The subdirectory cmake/Modules contains files needed for the CMake configuration The subdirectory cmake/Templates contains templates needed for generation of the library CMake configuration files.

  2. The subdirectory examples contains several examples of using the HepMC3 library in standalone applications. Each example is located in its own directory and can be built using the CMakeLists.txt file in the same directory.

  • The examples/ConvertExample/ subdirectory contains source code of utility that converts different types of event records, including cusm event records, into each other. Namely, the files

are the source files for an event format that can be visualized with graphviz. The files


contain an implementation of output format that can be used in the ZEUS experiment.

The files


contain an implementation of output format that can be used together with data from the OPAL experiment.

The files


illustrate an implementation of simple physics analysis using the HepMC3 library.

The files


implement an a reader for ROOT files based on uproot.

  • The ./examples/RootIOExample/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that illustrates manipulations with LHEF event record.

  • The ./examples/RootIOExample/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that reads HepMC3 events in ROOT format.

  • The ./examples/RootIOExample2/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that reads HepMC3 events in ROOT TTree format.

  • The ./examples/RootIOExample2/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that reads HepMC3 events and saves them using a custom ROOT-based class.

  • The ./examples/RootIOExample3/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that reads HepMC3 events and saves them nto ROOT TTree. This is a simplified version of ConvertExample.

  • The ./examples/BasicExamples/ subdirectory contains source code of basic examples of HepMC3 usage, e.g. building of event from scratch, reading and writing files, usage of fortran, etc.

  • The ./examples/Pythia6Example/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that generates HepMC events with the Pythia6 Monte Carlo event generator.

  • The ./examples/Pythia8Example/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that generates HepMC events with the Pythia8 Monte Carlo event generator.

  • The ./examples/LHEFExample/ subdirectory contains source code of an utility that illustrates manipulations with LHEF event record.

  • The ./examples/ViewerExample/ subdirectory contains source code of ROOT based GUI program that allows to visualize the HepMC3 events.

  • The ./examples/SearchExample/ subdirectory contains source code example that deals with search of relations between particles in the event.

  1. The doc/ directory contains files used for generation of library source code documentation with the Doxygen system. The doc/CMakeLists.txt file is used by CMake to build the documentation.