Trades your junk steam items to alternate account(s).
Currently, only CS:GO is supported because of 3rd party pricing data.
If you ever want to see more popular games supported, please refer me to where I can get accurate pricing information.
(NOTE: this requires a shared_secret for each account and an identity_secret for the main account)
- clone with
git clone
- rename
and setup (use comments for reference) - start script with
python -m steam-inventory-manager
Q: Why not just use Storage Units?
A: For the overwhelming majority of people, a Storage Unit will be enough to store your junk. The benefit of using
steam-inventory-manager comes in with automation. This script can move your items automatically, and without having to
pay for a storage unit.
Q: Do I need CS:GO or Steam installed?
A: Nope. Any OS that runs python 3.8+ should be just fine.
Q: What is an identity and shared secret?
A: These are values used by Steam to validate trades and 2fa logins respectively.
You can use Steam Desktop Authenticator to use your computer
for 2fa, or you can retrieve these values from your phone. IOS users will need to downgrade the Steam app to version
2.0.16 or lower.
Thank you to and steam for doing all the work documenting the steam api, and providing great resources. ♥