Cora is an analysis tool for constrained higher-order term rewriting. At the moment several techniques for termination analysis are implemented, and in the future we hope to expand to other properties.
Currently, we support only UNIX-like systems. So you can build and run cora on linux or macOS (including M series macs). Windows is not supported.
The build dependencies are listed below.
jdk >= 22.0.1
, we recommend openjdk-21.- Make sure that jdk is properly installed and that
is properly set.
- Make sure that jdk is properly installed and that
gradle >= 8.8
- Gradle will then download the following additional dependencies from the maven repositories.
- Gradle will then download the following additional dependencies from the maven repositories.
z3 >= 4.13.0
, check the z3 git repository for more details on how to install it on your system. Z3 is also available in most package managers for linux distributions and also on brew (in macOS).- Cora does not use the
java bindings. The commandz3
should be available on yourPATH
- Cora does not use the
To build cora, simply run:
./gradlew build
We have provided a make file for it.
Just run make
and then make install
Cora will be installed at ~/.cora
If you would like to run it from anywhere, please add the following line to your bash profile:
export PATH="$HOME/.cora/bin:$PATH"
Commonly, this is either ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
depending on which bash you are using.
You can invoke cora
using files present in ./benchmarks
For instance,
to run cora
in the file ./benchmarks/esop2024/factunit.lcstrs
we execute the following command (from the root of this artifact).
cora ./benchmarks/esop2024/factunit.lcstrs
If everything is fine, the output should be:
cora inputs/fact.lcstrs
We consider the LCSTRS with only rule scheme Calc:
Signature: comp :: (Int → ret) → (Int → Int) → Int → ret
error :: ret
fact :: Int → (Int → ret) → ret
return :: Int → ret
Rules: comp(f, g, x) → f(g(x))
fact(n, k) → error | n < 0
fact(n, k) → k(1) | n = 0
fact(n, k) → fact(n - 1, comp(k, [*](n))) | n > 0
The system is accessible function passing by a sort ordering that equates all sorts.
We start by computing the following initial DP problem:
P1. (1) fact#(n, k) ➡ comp#(k, [*](n), X{9}) | n > 0
(2) fact#(n, k) ➡ fact#(n - 1, comp(k, [*](n))) | n > 0
***** We apply the Graph Processor on P1.
There is only one SCC, so all DPs not inside the SCC can be removed:
P2. (1) fact#(n, k) ➡ fact#(n - 1, comp(k, [*](n))) | n > 0
***** We apply the Integer Function Processor on P2.
We use the following integer mapping:
J(fact#) = arg_1
We thus have:
(1) n > 0 ⊨ n > n - 1 (and n ≥ 0)
All DPs are strictly oriented, and may be removed. Hence, this DP problem is finite.
The very first line tells if cora
could successfully find a termination proof.
output means a proof was found; andMAYBE
output means no proof was found but non-termination is not proved.
Running cora
without any file given as argument
will produce the complete lis of options on how to run it.
We provided a docker file in the root of this artifact.
In order to run cora
from the docker image, please proceed as follows.
- First make sure docker is properly installed on your system.
- You can get installation instructions for your system at
- The next step is to build the docker image. Proceed as follows:
docker build --no-cache -t cora .
- We then run the docker image as follows:
docker run -i -it cora
The cora
command will be available in this docker image.
Benchmarks can be found at /benchmarks