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React native floating action circle button

Simple floating action button component with circle button for react native.




  npm install react-native-floating-action-circle-button


First step: import Component

import FloatingActionButton from 'react-native-floating-action-circle-button';

Second step: add actions list

const actions = [
    icon: Assets.Icons.activeBin,
    label: 'Delete',
    disable: false,
    onPress: null,
    icon: Assets.Icons.inactiveCancelInvoice,
    label: 'Cancel',
    disable: true,
    onPress: null,
    icon: Assets.Icons.activeReport,
    label: 'Report',
    disable: false,
    onPress: null,

Third step: place it in the screen

    marginRight: 17,
    marginRight: 17,
    marginRight: 17,


Property Type Default Description
actions Array<Object> [] Actions to be shown when user press the anchor Floating Button. Must pass at less one action
containerStyle style null The custom style for wrapper container
actionButtonStyle style null The custom style for actions button
backgroundStyle style null The custom style for background and disable
anchorInactiveIcon ImageSourcePropType ... Icon to be rendered for anchor button when it's not pressed
anchorActiveIcon ImageSourcePropType X Icon to be rendered for anchor button when it is pressed
anchorButtonStyle style null The custom style for anchor button
anchorIconStyle style null The custom style for icon inside anchor button

actions props

Property Type Default Description
disable Boolean false Actions status
label string `` Label for action
onPress Function null Function to be called when action button is pressed. Can't press when disable is true
icon ImageSourcePropType null Icon to be rendered inside action button
iconStyle style null The custom style for icon inside action button
buttonStyle style null The custom style for action button
