Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price dataset including daily, monthly and annual.
These series show prices of Natural Gas since 1997. Daily, monthly and annual prices are included in the data package.
EIA - Energy Information Administration https://www.eia.gov/dnav/ng/hist/rngwhhdm.htm
You can run the script yourself to update the data. The files are created in the data directory.
python data_wrangling_ngp.py
Dependencies can be installed using pip install and the requirements.txt file in the scprits directory.
pip install requirements.txt
The file ngp_visualization.html produces a visualization from static files created by plot_ngp_data.py using matplotlib. As the graphics are in static files, you can run the script to update the images. The files are created in the static directory.
python plot_ngp_data.py
Then you can open the file ngp_visualization.html directly in your browser.