This utility smart contact can be used to build DAPP which can lock LP Tokens or any BEP20 or ERC20 Tokens (Depends on deployment chain) to smart contract for specific period of time.
You can specify Fees in BNB/ETH or in percent in Smart Contract file. Owner of smart contract can change these values after deploying smart conract.
File which contains 12 secret mnemonic phrases of your hd wallet.
npm install
- Copiling smart contract
truffle compile
- Deploying smart contract -
truffle migrate --network=testnet
Choose network fromtruffle-config.js
file. - Verify smart contract on bscscan/etherscan (API Keys are needed)-
truffle run verify Airdrop@{ContractAddress} --network testnet
- Once smart contract is deployed and verified, you can interect it from bscscan/etherscan
- Hiren Kavad
This bundle is dual-licensed under MIT and GPL licenses.
Use it, change it, fork it, sell it. Do what you will, but please leave the author attribution.