go get -u github.com/hlcfan/mux-contrib
dep ensure -add github.com/hlcfan/mux-contrib
This middleware will throw/expose the HTTP request & response info. In order to retrive the info, you will need to register processors to process the data. Once processors being registered, it's able to consume the data. The data is defined as following
type InstrumentationRecord struct {
RouteName string
IPAddr string
Timestamp time.Time
Method string
URI string
Protocol string
Referer string
UserAgent string
RequestID string
Status int
ResponseBytes int
ElapsedTime time.Duration
Use the data as you want, like sending metrics or logging.
By default, logging is enabled and follows Apache CLF (combined) format, plus a request ID, can be used for tracking requests. It looks like - - [16/Jan/2020 09:35:08] "GET /v1/books/1" 0.013809 "" "PostmanRuntime/7.21.0" "0xashi.local/CHzHHzy75q-000001"
router := mux.NewRouter().StrictSlash(true)
// Simply initialize middleware
mw := httpinstrumentation.NewMiddleware(router)
// Specify output
mw := httpinstrumentation.NewMiddleware(router, httpinstrumentation.Output(os.Stdout))
// Disable logging
mw := httpinstrumentation.NewMiddleware(router, httpinstrumentation.Output(os.Stdout), mw.DisableLogging())
// Register processors
mw.RegisterHook(func(record *middleware.InstrumentationRecord) {
fmt.Println("Instrumentation data: %#v", record)
// Apply middleware
h = mw.Middleware(router)
// OR
It'll recover from panic and log the stacktrace.
mw := recovery.Middleware{}
// Override default logger
// logger should implement `Println(...interface{})`
logger := log.New(os.Stderr, "", 0)
// Apply middleware
h = mw.Middleware(router)
// OR