This is the frontend microservice that handles Returns related operations for Alcohol Duty Service.
This project uses hmrc-frontend-scaffold.g8 to create frontend pages.
Please see this wiki page for guidance around how to create new pages.
Make sure you run all the dependant services through the service manager:
sm2 --start ALCOHOL_DUTY_ALL
Stop the frontend microservice from the service manager and run it locally:
sbt run
The service runs on port 16000
by default.
Navigate to http://localhost:16000/manage-alcohol-duty/start
When redirected to auth-login-stub, change the following:
- Affinity group: Organisation
Navigate to relevant url:
When redirected to auth-login-stub, change the following fields:
- Affinity group: Organisation
- Enrolments: Add an enrolment with:
- Enrolment Key: HMRC-AD-ORG
- Identifier Name: APPAID
- Identifier Value: * Provide from stub data *
sbt test
sbt it/test
To check if all the scala files in the project are formatted correctly:
sbt scalafmtCheckAll
To format all the scala files in the project correctly:
sbt scalafmtAll
To check if there are any scalastyle errors, warnings or infos:
sbt scalastyle
This is an sbt command alias specific to this project. It will run a scala format check, run a scala style check, run unit tests, run integration tests and produce a coverage report:
sbt runAllChecks
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.