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The backend for the penalties services such as penalties-frontend and penalties-appeals-frontend. It handles the following:

  • Retrieving penalties and compliance data
  • The retrieval and submission of appeals
  • Providing other teams with penalties summary data


This services requires MongoDB to be running.

The service manager configuration name for this service is PENALTIES. But it can be started withsm --start PENALTIES_ALL along with dependent services such as penalties-stub and more. It can also be started specifically with sm --start PENALTIES.

To run local changes you will have to stop the service in service manager using sm --stop PENALTIES then run the script mentioned below.

This application runs on port 9182 .

To start the service use the ./ script.


The payload must be pre-existing in Mongo before attempting a retrieval.

GET /penalties/vat/penalties/summary/:VRN

Retrieve penalties summary information belonging to a VRN.

Example VRN: 123456789

Example payload:

  "noOfPoints": 3,
  "noOfEstimatedPenalties": 2,
  "noOfCrystalisedPenalties": 1,
  "estimatedPenaltyAmount": 123.45,
  "crystalisedPenaltyAmountDue": 54.32,
  "hasAnyPenaltyData": true
Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
Invalid VRN format 400
No data found for VRN 404

GET /penalties/etmp/penalties/:enrolmentKey

Get data for penalties belonging to an enrolment key.

Example enrolmentKey format: HMRC-MTD-VAT~VRN~123456789

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
Invalid VRN format 400
No data found for VRN 404


GET /penalties/appeals-data/late-submissions

Get Late Submission Penalty data for an appeal.

The following query parameters should be specified:

Parameter Type Mandatory
penaltyId String Yes
enrolmentKey String Yes
useNewApiModel String Yes

URL format - /penalties/appeals-data/late-submissions?{penaltyId}=[idvalue]&{enrolementKey}=[key]

Example URL - /penalties/appeals-data/late-submissions?penaltyId=1234567890&enrolementKey=HMRC-MTD-VAT~VRN~123456789

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
No data found for penaltyId 404
Internal server error 500

GET /penalties/appeals-data/late-payments

Get Late Payment Penalty data for an appeal.

The following query parameters should be specified:

Parameter Type Mandatory
penaltyId String Yes
enrolmentKey String Yes
isAdditional Boolean Yes
useNewApiModel Boolean Yes

URL format - /appeals-data/late-submissions?{penaltyId}=[idvalue]&{enrolementKey}=[value]&{isAdditional}=[booleanValue]

Example URL - /appeals-data/late-submissions?penaltyId=1234567890&enrolementKey=HMRC-MTD-VAT~VRN~123456789&isAdditional=false

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
No data found for penaltyId 404
Internal server error 500

GET /penalties/appeals-data/reasonable-excuses

Get list of reasonable excuses used to make an appeal.

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200

POST /penalties/appeals/submit-appeal

Submit an appeal for a penalty.

The following query parameters should be specified:

Parameter Type Mandatory
enrolmentKey String Yes
isLPP Boolean Yes
penaltyNumber String Yes
correlationId String Yes

URL format - /penalties/appeals/submit-appeal?{enrolmentKey}=[keyValue]&{isLPP}=[boolValue]&{penaltyNumber}=[penaltyId]&{correlationId}=[value]

Example URL - /penalties/appeals/submit-appeal?enrolmentKey=HMRC-MTD-VAT~VRN~224060020&isLPP=false&penaltyNumber=123456786&correlationId=a8010aef-9253-45a8-b8ac-c843dc2d3318

Example payload:

    "sourceSystem": "MDTP",
    "taxRegime": "VAT",
    "customerReferenceNo": "123456789",
    "dateOfAppeal": "2020-01-01T00:00:00",
    "isLPP": true,
    "appealSubmittedBy": "agent",
    "agentReferenceNo": "AGENT1",
    "appealInformation": {
            "reasonableExcuse": "crime",
            "honestyDeclaration": true,
            "startDateOfEvent": "2021-04-23T00:00",
            "reportedIssueToPolice": "yes",
            "lateAppeal": true,
            "lateAppealReason": "Reason",
            "isClientResponsibleForSubmission": false,
            "isClientResponsibleForLateSubmission": true
Scenario Status
Successful post 200
Invalid body received / Failed to parse to model 400
Internal server error 500


GET /penalties/compliance/des/compliance-data

Get compliance data of penalty for VRN in a period.

The following query parameters should be specified:

Parameter Type Mandatory
VRN String Yes
dateFrom Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Yes
dateTo Date (YYYY-MM-DD) Yes

URL format - /penalties/compliance/des/compliance-data?{VRN}=[value]&{fromDate}=[date]&{toDate}=[date]

Example URL - /penalties/compliance/des/compliance-data?VRN=1234567890&fromDate=2020-01-01&toDate=2020-03-31

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
Failed to parse to model 400
No data found for VRN 404
Internal server error 500

Get Financial Details (API 1811)

GET /penalties/penalty/financial-data/VRN/:VRN/VATC

Gets the financial details for the specified VRN.

The following query parameters can be specified:

Parameter Type Mandatory
searchType String No
searchItem String No
dateType String No
dateFrom Date (YYYY-MM-DD) No
dateTo Date (YYYY-MM-DD) No
includeClearedItems Boolean No
includeStatisticalItems Boolean No
includePaymentOnAccount Boolean No
addRegimeTotalisation Boolean No
addLockInformation Boolean No
addPenaltyDetails Boolean No
addPostedInterestDetails Boolean No
addAccruingInterestDetails Boolean No

Example URL - /penalties/penalty/financial-data/VRN/:VRN/VATC?searchType=CHGREF&searchItem=XC00178236592&dateType=BILLING&dateFrom=2020-10-03&dateTo=2021-07-12&includeClearedItems=false&includeStatistical=true&includePaymentOnAccount=true&addRegimeTotalisation=false&addLockInformation=true&addPenaltyDetails=true&addPostedInterestDetails=true&addAccruingInterestDetails=true

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
Bad request due to one or more invalid parameters, see EIS spec for details of different errors (error message body is passed through from EIS) 400
No data found for VRN 404
Internal server error 500
Dependent systems are not available 503

The data returned is outlined in v2.3.0 of the GetFinancialDetails API specification.

Get Penalty Details (API 1812)

GET /penalties/penalty-details/VAT/VRN/:VRN

Gets the penalty details for specified VRN.

The following query parameter can be specified

Parameter Type Mandatory Comments
dateLimit String No* This will expected to be 24 months unless specified

Example URL - /penalties/penalty-details/VAT/VRN/:VRN?dateLimit=09

Scenario Status
Successful retrieval 200
Bad request due to one or more invalid parameters, see EIS spec for details of different errors (error message body is passed through from EIS) 400
No data found for VRN 404
Internal server error 500
Dependent systems are not available 503

The data returned is outlined in v1.1.0 of the GetPenaltyDetails API specification.


This service can be tested with SBT via sbt test it:test

To run coverage and scalastyle, please run: sbt clean scalastyle coverage test it:test coverageReport


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.