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Bria Morgan edited this page Oct 3, 2018 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the pic-sure wiki!

PICSURE-2.0 is meant to be a more flexible version of the PIC-SURE API. (See documentation for 1.x here ) .

PICSURE-2.0 defines the following endpoints:

  • GET /info
  • GET /info/{resourceId}
  • POST /search
  • POST /query
  • POST /query/{resourceQueryId}/status
  • POST /query/{resourceQueryId}/result
  • POST /query/sync

Developers can explore the structure of the code starting at PICSURE-2.0-Architecture and guidelines for implementing a ResourceRS at Implementing a ResourceRS

System Administrators can learn how to install PICSURE-2.0 starting at PICSURE-2.0 Installation

Researchers can learn how to use PICSURE-2.0 starting at Using PICSURE-2.0