Example of a partner app using deprecated hokoconnectkit Android SDK v1.0.21.
Do not forget to replace the HOKOToken
string with the appropriate token from your dashboard.
adb shell am start -d "dummy-app://?hk_code=test"
With a custom install receiver:
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER -n io.hoko.dummyapp/.MyInstallBroadcastReceiver --es "referrer" ":hk_dp=dummy-app%3A%2F%2F:hk_code=test"
Where hk_code
is an attribution code from HOKO. Code value test
is always accepted and ignored. With code test
it is expected to receive Code=5 Description=Could not reach the Hoko Service. Please try again later.
error logs.
If you want to test instead with the default broadcast receiver you can use an unbound broadcast:
adb shell am broadcast -a com.android.vending.INSTALL_REFERRER --es "referrer" ":hk_dp=dummy-app%3A%2F%2F:hk_code=test"