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06:Live Data [UG]

Jean-Luc Stevens edited this page Jul 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Missing material:

  • Demonstrate faceting as shown in Dimensioned Containers
  • Link to building dashboards and apps

Possibly missing:

  • Discuss how to define a DynamicMap callback and how kdims and streams map to arguments
  • Example: Declare a function returning an element parameterized by multiple key dimensions
  • Use redim and relabel to modify labels and setting axis ranges as normal
  • Discuss normalization in this context
  • Indexing/Selecting: Sampling, select, indexing DynamicMap
  • Converting to and from HoloMap: HoloMap -> DynamicMap and reverse conversions
  • Load lazy dataset from disk and use .to to facet data allowing dynamical exploration
  • Applying of operations and building pipelines


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