Solution for correlation of events with processes.
Imagine you integrate your Camunda process engine into a larger application landscape. In doing so the inter-system communication becomes important and questions on communication styles and patterns arise. In the world of self-contained systems, the asynchronous communication with messages is wide adopted. This library helps you to solve integration problems around correlation of messages with processes.
- Ingress adapters for:
- Spring Cloud Streams (e.g. Kafka Streams, Rabbit MQ, Azure Event Hubs, AWS SQS, AWS SNS, Solace PubSub+, Google PubSub)
- Axon Framework (Axon Event Bus)
- Inbox pattern on message receiving
- Message storage in the Camunda Platform 7 database
- MyBatis repository
- Asynchronous scheduled batch-mode correlation
- Variety of error handling modes on mismatched correlation
- Configurable timings, retry strategies and many other parameters
This library is developed under Apache 2.0 License.
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