Convert your alignment files in BAM format into coverage files in bigWig format BAM_FILE [BAM_FILE ...]
[-o, --bigwig_filename=<output file name>
-t, --tempfile
-k, --keep-tempfile
-s, --ignore-secondary
-q, --ignore-qc-fail
-d, --ignore-optical-pcr-duplicate
-u, --ignore-supplementary]
--bigwig_filename: if not given will save to <BAM file prefix>.bigwig.
--tempfile: If this is set, will use tempfile library to generate file names instead of using
<BAM file prefix>.wig and <BAM file prefix>.sizes.
--keep-tempfile: If this is set, will not delete the intermediate files <BAM file prefix>.wig
and <BAM file prefix>.sizes.
--ignore-secondary: If this is set, rsem-bam2wig will ignore alignments with the
"secondary alignment" flag bit 0x100 set.
--ignore-qc-fail: If this is set, rsem-bam2wig will ignore alignments with the
"not passing quality controls" flag bit 0x200 set.
--ignore-optical-pcr-duplicate: If this is set, rsem-bam2wig will ignore alignments with the
"PCR or optical duplicate" flag bit 0x400 set.
--ignore-supplementary: If this is set, rsem-bam2wig will ignore alignments with the
"supplementary alignment" flag bit 0x800 set.
- Python 2.7 - Tested on CentOS 6 x86_64 (may work on windows if you can get the other dependencies to compile)
- wigToBigWig from UCSC (
- rsem-bam2wig from RSEM (
- pysam
- Install build dependencies
- CentOS:
yum install python-devel zlib-devel
- Ubuntu:
apt-get install python-dev zlib1g-dev
- Install using pip
pip install pysam
- wigToBigWig
- Download binary:
- Make sure wigToBigWig is in a directory in your
cp wigToBigWig /usr/local/bin
- rsem-bam2wig
- Download the source code:
- Compile
- Make sure rsem-bam2wig is in a directory in your $PATH
cp rsem-bam2wig /usr/local/bin
Han Lin, 2014.
Biomedical Electronics and Bioinformatics, National Taiwan University
National Agricultural Library, ARS, USDA