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Docker Compose for a Full-Stack Application with React, Node.js, and PostgreSQL

This repository demonstrates how to set up a React JS, Node JS server with a PostgreSQL database server inside docker containers and connect them all together


To get this project up and running, follow these steps

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed in your system. For installation steps, follow the following steps:
    1. For Mac
    2. For Ubuntu
    3. For Windows
  2. Clone the repository into your device
  3. Open a terminal from the cloned project's directory (Where the docker-compose.yml file is present)
  4. Run the command: docker compose up

That's all! That should get the project up and running. To see the output, you can access from the browser and you should find a web page with a list of users. This entire system with the client, server & database are running inside of docker and being accessible from your machine.

Here is a detailed explanation on what is going on.

1. Introduction

Docker at its core is a platform as a service that uses OS-level virtualization to deploy/deliver software in packages called containers. It is done for various advantages, such as cross platform consistency and flexibility and scalability.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. It is the key to unlocking a streamlined and efficient development and deployment experience.

2. Using Docker and Docker Compose

When it comes to working with Full Stack Applications, i.e. ones that will involve more than one set of technology to integrate it into one fully fledged system, Docker can be fairly overwhelming to configure from scratch. It is not made any easier by the fact that there are various types of environment dependencies for each particular technology, and it only leads to the risk of errors at a deployment level.

Note: The .env file adjacent in the directory with docker-compose.yml will contain certain variables that will be used in the docker compose file. They will be accessed whenever the ${<VARIABLE_NAME>} notation is used.

This example will work with PostgreSQL as the database, a very minimal Node/Express JS server and React JS as the client side application.

3. Individual Containers

The following section goes into a breakdown of how the docker-compose.yml file works with the individual Dockerfile. Let's take a look at the docker-compose file first. We have a key called services at the very top, which defines the different applications/services we want to get running. As this is a .yml file, it is important to remember that indentations are crucial. Lets dive into the first service defined in this docker compose file, the database.

1. Database

First of all, the database needs to be set up and running in order for the server to be able to connect to it. The database does not need any Dockerfile in this particular instance, however, it can be done with a Dockerfile too. Lets go through the configurations.


    container_name: database
        - "5431:5432"
    image: postgres
            - ./docker_test_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            test: ["CMD-SHELL", "sh -c 'pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}'"]
            interval: 5s
            timeout: 60s
            retries: 5
            start_period: 80s


  • postgres: used to identify the service that the section of the compose file is for
  • container_name: the name of the service/container that we have chosen
  • ports: maps the host port (making it accessible from outside) to the port being used by the application in Docker.
  • image: defines the Docker image that will be required to make this container functional and running
  • environment: defined variables for the environment of this particular service. For example, for this PostgreSQL service, we will be defining a POSTGRES_USER,POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB. They're all being assigned with the values in the .env.
  • volumes: This particular key is for we want to create a container that can persist data. This means that ordinarily, when a Docker container goes down, so does any updated data on it. Using volumes, we are mapping a particular directory of our local machine with a directory of the container. In this case, that's the directory where postgres is reading the data from for this database.
  • heathcheck: when required, certain services will need to check if their state is functional or not. For example, PostgreSQL, has a behavior of turning itself on and off a few instances at launch, before finally being functional. For this reason, healthcheck allows Docker Compose to allow other services to know when it is fully functional. The few properties below healthcheck are doing the following:
    • test: runs particular commands for the service to run checks
    • interval: amount of time docker compose will wait before running a check again
    • timeout: amount of time that the a single check will go on for, before it times out without any response or fails
    • retries: total number of tries that docker compose will try to get the healthcheck for a positive response, otherwise fail and declare it as a failed check
    • start_period: specifies the amount of time to wait before starting health checks
2. Server


FROM node:18
WORKDIR /server
COPY src/ /server/src
COPY prisma/ /server/prisma
COPY package.json /server
RUN npm install
RUN npx prisma generate

Explanation FROM - tells Docker what image is going to be required to build the container. For this example, its the Node JS (version 18) WORKDIR - sets the current working directory for subsequent instructions in the Dockerfile. The server directory will be created for this container in Docker's environment COPY - separated by a space, this command tells Docker to copy files/folders from local environment to the Docker environment. The code above is saying that all the contents in the src and prisma folders need to be copied to the /server/src & /srver/prisma folders in Docker, and package.json to be copied to the server directory's root. RUN - executes commands in the terminal. The commands in the code above will install the necessary node modules, and also generate a prisma client for interacting with the database (it will be needed for seeding the database initially).


    container_name: server
        context: ./server
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
        - "7999:8000"
    command: bash -c "npx prisma migrate reset --force && npm start"
        PORT: "${SERVER_PORT}"
            condition: service_healthy

Explanation build: defines the build context for the container. This can contain steps to build the container, or contain path to Dockerfiles that have the instructions written. The context key directs the path, and the dockerfile key contains the name of the Dockerfile. command: executes commands according to the instructions that are given. This particular command is executed to first make migrations to the database and seed it, and then start the server. environment: contains the key-value pairs for the environment, which are available in the .env file at the root directory. DATABASE_URL and PORT both contain corresponding values in the .env file. depends_on: checks if the dependent container is up, running and functional or not. This has various properties, but in this example, it is checking if the service_healthy flag of our postgres container is up and functional or not. The server container will only start if this flag is returned being true from the healthcheck from the PostgreSQL

3. Client


FROM node:18
WORKDIR /client
COPY public/ /client/public
COPY src/ /client/src
COPY index.html /client/
COPY package.json /client/
COPY vite.config.js /client/
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

Explanation Note: The commands for client are very similar to the already explained above for server ARG: defines a variable that is later passed to the ENV instruction ENV: Assigns a key value pair into the context of the Docker environment for the container to run. This essentially contains the domain of the API that will be fired from the client later.


    container_name: client
        context: ./client
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
    command: bash -c "npm run preview"
        - "4172:4173"
        - server

Explanation Note: The commands for client are very similar to the already explained above for server and postgres

This tutorial provides a basic understanding of using Docker Compose to manage a full-stack application. Explore the code and docker-compose.yml file for further details.

It is working, but the front page is static, no user input allowed. Front page is showing the db id First Name Last Name Email gender phone


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  • JavaScript 85.3%
  • CSS 11.7%
  • Dockerfile 1.6%
  • HTML 1.4%