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LinqLover committed Nov 19, 2022
1 parent 49757ae commit 8dd29a1
Showing 1 changed file with 39 additions and 0 deletions.
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions scripts/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"Generate a SAR file of all relevant packages to install SimulationStudio.
NOTE: Make sure to run this script in an image of the target Squeak version, e.g., in a Squeak 6.0 image to create a squeak60 SAR file."

| name spec packageNames firstPackageNames zip preamble postscript |
name := 'TraceDebugger'.
spec := #('fullWithoutBenchmarks').

packageNames := (((MetacelloToolBox baselineNamed: name) project version: 'baseline')
allPackagesForSpecNamed: spec)
collect: #name.
packageNames := packageNames copyWithoutAll: MCRepository trunk allPackageNames.
firstPackageNames := #(). "To overcome cyclic dependencies, define any starter packages manually"
packageNames := firstPackageNames , ((packageNames copyWithoutAll: firstPackageNames)
topologicallySortedUsing: [:a :b | ((DependencyBrowser new selectPackage: a; packageDeps) includes: b) not]). "O(n**2) bust fast enough for now"

zip := ZipArchive new.
preamble := String streamContents: [:preambleStream |
nextPutAll: '| loader |
loader := MCVersionLoader new.';
packageNames do: [:packageName | | package version stream |
package := MCPackage named: packageName.
version := MCVersion
package: package
info: package workingCopy ancestry ancestors first.
stream := RWBinaryOrTextStream on: (String new: 10000).
version fileOutOn: stream.
(zip addString: stream contents as: packageName, '.mcz') desiredCompressionLevel: 0.
nextPutAll: 'loader addVersion: (MCMczReader versionFromStream: (self memberNamed: ''';
nextPutAll: packageName;
nextPutAll: '.mcz'') contentStream).';
preambleStream nextPutAll: 'loader load.'].
zip addString: preamble as: 'install/preamble'.
postscript := 'TraceDebugger basicSelfUpdateBranch: {1}.' format: {TraceDebugger selfUpdateBranch printString}.
zip addString: postscript as: 'install/postscript'.
zip writeToFileNamed: ('{1}.sar' format: {name}).

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