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Joshua Storost committed Jul 12, 2024
2 parents 31cc0ec + 42b77fe commit eb9f8eb
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Showing 11 changed files with 657 additions and 380 deletions.
279 changes: 143 additions & 136 deletions .squot-materialize

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Binary file added GMTEIcons/line.png
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237 changes: 119 additions & 118 deletions source/GM-TE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,30 @@ Class {
#category : #'GM-TE-UI'

#category : #'as yet unclassified',
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:01'
GMTEBrush class >> borderingOffsets [

^ {(-1)@0. 0@(-1). 1@0. 0@1}

#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 15:40'
GMTEBrush >> calculateOffsetsForRadius: aRadius [

offsets := OrderedCollection new.
(0-radius to: radius) do: [:dx |
(0-radius to: radius) do: [:dy |
((dx squared + dy squared) <= aRadius squared) ifTrue: [offsets add: dx @ dy]]].


#category : #accessing,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/6/2024 12:48'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -46,61 +70,56 @@ GMTEBrush >> currentMatrixIndex: anObject [

#category : #'as yet unclassified',
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 08:47'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:10'
GMTEBrush >> executeWithMatrixIndex: anIndex andLayer: aLayer [

anIndex ifNil: [^ nil].
self currentMatrixIndex: anIndex.
self layer: aLayer.
^ self currentBrush value.
^ self currentBrush value

#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 22:04'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:10'
GMTEBrush >> fillBrush [

| collection startTile visited |
| startTile visited |
self resetOutputSet.
self currentMatrixIndex ifNil: [^nil].

visited := Matrix rows: (self layer rowCount) columns: self layer columnCount.
collection := OrderedCollection new.
startTile := layer at: self currentMatrixIndex y at: self currentMatrixIndex x.
startTile := self layer at: self currentMatrixIndex y at: self currentMatrixIndex x.

collection add: currentMatrixIndex.
self outputSet add: self currentMatrixIndex.
visited at: self currentMatrixIndex y at: self currentMatrixIndex x put: true.

self fillDfsWithVisited: visited andIndex: self currentMatrixIndex andOriginTile: startTile andCollection: collection.
self outputSet: collection asSet.
self fillDfsWithVisited: visited andIndex: self currentMatrixIndex andOriginTile: startTile andSet: self outputSet.

^ self outputSet.
^ self outputSet

#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/6/2024 16:46'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 18:28'
GMTEBrush >> fillDfsWithVisited: aVisitedMatrix andIndex: anIndex andOriginTile: anOriginTile andCollection: aCollection [

| borderingOffsets |
GMTEBrush >> fillDfsWithVisited: aVisitedMatrix andIndex: anIndex andOriginTile: anOriginTile andSet: aSet [
self flag: 'REFACTOR!'.
borderingOffsets := {(-1)@0. 0@(-1). 1@0. 0@1}.
borderingOffsets do: [: offset|
| newIndex newTile |

GMTEBrush borderingOffsets do: [:offset |
| newIndex newTile tilesNil tilesSame |
newIndex := offset + anIndex.
((self layer inBounds: newIndex) and: [(aVisitedMatrix at: newIndex y at: newIndex x) isNil]) ifTrue:[
newTile := self layer at: newIndex y at: newIndex x.
ifNil: [newTile ifNil: [aCollection add: newIndex.

tilesNil := (anOriginTile isNil) and: [newTile isNil].
tilesSame := (anOriginTile isNil not and: [newTile isNil not]) and: [anOriginTile imageForm bits hash = newTile imageForm bits hash].

(tilesNil or: tilesSame) ifTrue: [
aSet add: newIndex.
aVisitedMatrix at: newIndex y at: newIndex x put: true.
self fillDfsWithVisited: aVisitedMatrix andIndex: newIndex andOriginTile: anOriginTile andCollection: aCollection]]
ifNotNil: [
(newTile isNil not and: [anOriginTile imageForm bits hash = newTile imageForm bits hash])
ifTrue: [aCollection add: newIndex.
aVisitedMatrix at: newIndex y at: newIndex x put: true.
self fillDfsWithVisited: aVisitedMatrix andIndex: newIndex andOriginTile: anOriginTile andCollection: aCollection]]]]
self fillDfsWithVisited: aVisitedMatrix andIndex: newIndex andOriginTile: anOriginTile andSet: aSet]]]

Expand All @@ -121,12 +140,12 @@ GMTEBrush >> firstMatrixIndex: anObject [

#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 21:33'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 13:59'
GMTEBrush >> initialize [

super initialize.
self resetOutputSet.
self resetOutputSet

Expand All @@ -147,57 +166,29 @@ GMTEBrush >> layer: anObject [

#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 22:53'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:11'
GMTEBrush >> lineBrush [
| radius collection start end deltaX deltaY stepX stepY error error2 x y offsets |

radius := self radius - 1.
self resetOutputSet.
self flag: 'todo: method extraction'.
"Helper method to generate radius offsets"
offsets := OrderedCollection new.
(0-radius to: radius) do: [:dx |
(0-radius to: radius) do: [:dy |
(dx * dx + dy * dy <= (radius * radius)) ifTrue: [
offsets add: dx @ dy.

self resetOutputSet.
(self currentMatrixIndex isNil or: [self firstMatrixIndex isNil]) ifTrue: [^nil].

start := self firstMatrixIndex.
end := self currentMatrixIndex.
deltaX := (end x - start x) abs.
deltaY := (end y - start y) abs.
stepX := (start x < end x) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [-1].
stepY := (start y < end y) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [-1].
error := deltaX - deltaY.
x := start x.
y := start y.

collection := OrderedCollection new.

| point |
point := x @ y.
offsets do: [:offset | collection add: (point + offset)].
(x = end x and: [y = end y]) ifTrue: [
self outputSet: collection asSet.
^ self outputSet.].
error2 := 2 * error.
(error2 > (0 - deltaY)) ifTrue: [
error := error - deltaY.
x := x + stepX.
(error2 < deltaX) ifTrue: [
error := error + deltaX.
y := y + stepY.
] repeat.
self firstMatrixIndex ifNil: [^nil].

(self rasterizeLineBetweenAStart: self firstMatrixIndex andAnEnd: self currentMatrixIndex) do: [:point |
(self calculateOffsetsForRadius: self offsetCorrectedRadius) do: [:offset |
self outputSet add: (point + offset)]].

^(self outputSet)


#category : #accessing,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 16:16'
GMTEBrush >> offsetCorrectedRadius [
"In order to display a more intuitive radius for the user, we need to offset it by 1 for the calculations"

^ self radius - 1

Expand All @@ -218,87 +209,97 @@ GMTEBrush >> outputSet: anObject [

#category : #accessing,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/6/2024 12:48'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:11'
GMTEBrush >> radius [

^ radius

#category : #accessing,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 22:08'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:15'
GMTEBrush >> radius: anObject [
radius := anObject
GMTEBrush >> radius: aNumber [

radius := aNumber

#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/10/2024 12:37'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/11/2024 17:09'
GMTEBrush >> radiusBrush [

| collection xMin xMax yMin yMax |
self currentMatrixIndex ifNil: [^nil].

collection := OrderedCollection new.
self flag: 'radius offset is bad'.
xMin := self currentMatrixIndex x - (self radius - 1).
xMax := self currentMatrixIndex x + (self radius - 1).
yMin := self currentMatrixIndex y - (self radius - 1).
yMax := self currentMatrixIndex y + (self radius - 1).
(self calculateOffsetsForRadius: self offsetCorrectedRadius) do: [:i |
self outputSet add: (self currentMatrixIndex + i)].

(xMin to: xMax) do: [:x |
(yMin to: yMax) do: [:y |
(( self currentMatrixIndex x - x) squared + ( self currentMatrixIndex y - y) squared <= (self radius - 1) squared) ifTrue: [
collection add: x@y
^ self outputSet

collection do: [:i | self outputSet add: i].

^ self outputSet.
#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 18:26'
GMTEBrush >> rasterizeLineBetweenAStart: aStartPoint andAnEnd: anEndPoint [
"implementation of Bresenhams Line Algorithm"

| linePointsCollection deltaX deltaY stepX stepY error error2 x y |

self flag: 'todo: method extraction? - Ich glaube geht schlecht'.

deltaX := (anEndPoint x - aStartPoint x) abs.
deltaY := (anEndPoint y - aStartPoint y) abs.
stepX := (aStartPoint x < anEndPoint x) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [-1].
stepY := (aStartPoint y < anEndPoint y) ifTrue: [1] ifFalse: [-1].
error := deltaX - deltaY.
x := aStartPoint x.
y := aStartPoint y.

linePointsCollection := OrderedCollection new.

| point |
point := x @ y.
linePointsCollection add: point.
(x = anEndPoint x and: [y = anEndPoint y]) ifTrue: [
error2 := 2 * error.
(error2 > (0 - deltaY)) ifTrue: [
error := error - deltaY.
x := x + stepX].
(error2 < deltaX) ifTrue: [
error := error + deltaX.
y := y + stepY]
] repeat


#category : #forms,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 22:04'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 17:34'
GMTEBrush >> rectangleBrush [

| collection startRow endRow startCol endCol |
self resetOutputSet.
(self currentMatrixIndex isNil or: [self firstMatrixIndex isNil]) ifTrue: [^nil].
collection := OrderedCollection new.

"Determine the starting and ending rows and columns"

startRow := (self currentMatrixIndex x min: self firstMatrixIndex x).
endRow := (self currentMatrixIndex x max: self firstMatrixIndex x).
startCol := (self currentMatrixIndex y min: self firstMatrixIndex y).
endCol := (self currentMatrixIndex y max: self firstMatrixIndex y).
self firstMatrixIndex ifNil: [^ nil].

"Fill the collection with all indices within the rectangle"
startRow to: endRow do: [:row |
startCol to: endCol do: [:col |
collection add: (row@col)
self outputSet: collection asSet.
(self currentMatrixIndex x min: self firstMatrixIndex x) to: (self currentMatrixIndex x max: self firstMatrixIndex x) do: [:row |
(self currentMatrixIndex y min: self firstMatrixIndex y) to: (self currentMatrixIndex y max: self firstMatrixIndex y) do: [:col |
self outputSet add: (row @ col)]].

^ self outputSet.
^ self outputSet


#category : #select,
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'Valentin Teutschbein 7/9/2024 21:26'
#'squeak_changestamp' : 'JS 7/11/2024 13:43'
GMTEBrush >> resetOutputSet [

self outputSet: Set new.
self outputSet: Set new

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion source/GM-TE/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Class {
#name : #GMTEDeleteLayersCommand,
#superclass : #GMTETilemapSizeCommand,
#superclass : #GMTEEditTilesCommand,
#instVars : [
Expand Down

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