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Algorithmsmj allows you to generate a random dataset and then sort it using some of the popular sorting algorithms. When you run sort on the dataset you will also get a time value letting you know how long it took to execute the sort. You can use this to see how different sorting algorithms take a longer or shorter time to execute for the same dataset.
Additionally there is an about page that describes in detail how the website was built using various technology pieces coordination.
A user will enter an integer value for the size of the array, click on "Get random array" and then click on one of the various sort buttons available. A user can either enter a small dataset length value or a very large one depending on their preferences. When datasets are very large it will become clear that bubble sort is not nearly as efficient as merge sort or quick sort.
- git clone the repository
- Set up a virtualenv on your machine using "virtualenv --no-site-packages"
- Activate the virtual env, cd into the folder you just created and type "source bin/activate"
- Install the required packages with "pip install -r requirements.txt" Requirements.txt is in the /requirements folder
- Run Django server with "python runserver" You can make this work for external connections with "python runserver"
- Browse the website in your browser
I think it would be cool if we add a couple of more sorts such as radix sort and bucket sort to see how they perform.