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stress single thread

Carlos Rios edited this page Nov 26, 2018 · 4 revisions

Local Docker

Setting up single test at local environment with limits 102cpu/60Mib...
Stressing http://svm-single.hud:8080/ with 2 threads for 60s of time maintaining 100 connections opened at 2000req/sec with 5s of timeout
Running 1m test @ http://svm-single.hud:8080/
  2 threads and 100 connections
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 3402.358ms, rate sampling interval: 11534ms
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 3398.341ms, rate sampling interval: 11567ms
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    24.81s     9.83s   42.27s    58.03%
    Req/Sec   337.62     53.56   434.00     75.00%
  Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
 50.000%   25.87s 
 75.000%   33.75s 
 90.000%   37.06s 
 99.000%   39.42s 
 99.900%   40.47s 
 99.990%   41.94s 
 99.999%   42.30s 
100.000%   42.30s 

  Detailed Percentile spectrum:
       Value   Percentile   TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)

    6393.855     0.000000            3         1.00
   10633.215     0.100000         3533         1.11
   14516.223     0.200000         7035         1.25
   17743.871     0.300000        10573         1.43
   21544.959     0.400000        14077         1.67
   25870.335     0.500000        17574         2.00
   28327.935     0.550000        19325         2.22
   30048.255     0.600000        21084         2.50
   31227.903     0.650000        22840         2.86
   32555.007     0.700000        24598         3.33
   33751.039     0.750000        26396         4.00
   34340.863     0.775000        27250         4.44
   34865.151     0.800000        28132         5.00
   35520.511     0.825000        29014         5.71
   36438.015     0.850000        29869         6.67
   36601.855     0.875000        30785         8.00
   36831.231     0.887500        31189         8.89
   37060.607     0.900000        31632        10.00
   37322.751     0.912500        32129        11.43
   37486.591     0.925000        32519        13.33
   37683.199     0.937500        33013        16.00
   37748.735     0.943750        33194        17.78
   37814.271     0.950000        33399        20.00
   37912.575     0.956250        33657        22.86
   37978.111     0.962500        33840        26.67
   38109.183     0.968750        34055        32.00
   38240.255     0.971875        34148        35.56
   38404.095     0.975000        34282        40.00
   38535.167     0.978125        34376        45.71
   38731.775     0.981250        34484        53.33
   38928.383     0.984375        34590        64.00
   39026.687     0.985938        34642        71.11
   39190.527     0.987500        34703        80.00
   39321.599     0.989062        34754        91.43
   39452.671     0.990625        34807       106.67
   39616.511     0.992188        34876       128.00
   39682.047     0.992969        34889       142.22
   39780.351     0.993750        34923       160.00
   39845.887     0.994531        34948       182.86
   39911.423     0.995313        34977       213.33
   39976.959     0.996094        35000       256.00
   40042.495     0.996484        35022       284.44
   40075.263     0.996875        35035       320.00
   40108.031     0.997266        35051       365.71
   40140.799     0.997656        35060       426.67
   40206.335     0.998047        35067       512.00
   40239.103     0.998242        35078       568.89
   40271.871     0.998437        35082       640.00
   40370.175     0.998633        35086       731.43
   40435.711     0.998828        35098       853.33
   40501.247     0.999023        35101      1024.00
   40534.015     0.999121        35105      1137.78
   40566.783     0.999219        35107      1280.00
   40599.551     0.999316        35111      1462.86
   40796.159     0.999414        35114      1706.67
   40959.999     0.999512        35117      2048.00
   41156.607     0.999561        35120      2275.56
   41254.911     0.999609        35121      2560.00
   41353.215     0.999658        35122      2925.71
   41549.823     0.999707        35124      3413.33
   41680.895     0.999756        35126      4096.00
   41779.199     0.999780        35127      4551.11
   41910.271     0.999805        35128      5120.00
   41910.271     0.999829        35128      5851.43
   41943.039     0.999854        35130      6826.67
   41943.039     0.999878        35130      8192.00
   41975.807     0.999890        35131      9102.22
   41975.807     0.999902        35131     10240.00
   41975.807     0.999915        35131     11702.86
   42139.647     0.999927        35132     13653.33
   42139.647     0.999939        35132     16384.00
   42205.183     0.999945        35133     18204.44
   42205.183     0.999951        35133     20480.00
   42205.183     0.999957        35133     23405.71
   42205.183     0.999963        35133     27306.67
   42205.183     0.999969        35133     32768.00
   42303.487     0.999973        35134     36408.89
   42303.487     1.000000        35134          inf
#[Mean    =    24813.432, StdDeviation   =     9833.504]
#[Max     =    42270.720, Total count    =        35134]
#[Buckets =           27, SubBuckets     =         2048]
  40878 requests in 1.00m, 5.46MB read
Requests/sec:    681.24
Transfer/sec:     93.14KB

Container Logs:
Server running at

Container Stats:
CPU	Memory
24.69%	8.039MiB / 60MiB
0.01%	8.039MiB / 60MiB
3.80%	8.102MiB / 60MiB
94.70%	10.09MiB / 60MiB
85.05%	13.73MiB / 60MiB
92.91%	13.58MiB / 60MiB
74.98%	13.88MiB / 60MiB
83.82%	13.95MiB / 60MiB
79.80%	17.91MiB / 60MiB
83.77%	17.92MiB / 60MiB
86.14%	18.02MiB / 60MiB
76.93%	18.04MiB / 60MiB
65.16%	18.18MiB / 60MiB
64.81%	18.23MiB / 60MiB
56.56%	18.13MiB / 60MiB
71.96%	18.14MiB / 60MiB
77.57%	18.15MiB / 60MiB
78.85%	18.17MiB / 60MiB
70.19%	18.32MiB / 60MiB
85.30%	18.48MiB / 60MiB
71.64%	18.54MiB / 60MiB
88.68%	18.55MiB / 60MiB
66.37%	18.48MiB / 60MiB
88.47%	22.83MiB / 60MiB
76.57%	26.75MiB / 60MiB
77.39%	26.91MiB / 60MiB
68.53%	26.96MiB / 60MiB


Foi mais rápido do que o multi memória nem CPU mudaram de patamar

Setting up single test at gce environment with limits 102cpu/60MibRAM...
Stressing with 2 threads for 60s of time maintaining 100 connections opened at 2000req/sec with 5s of timeout
Running 1m test @
  2 threads and 100 connections
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 4069.593ms, rate sampling interval: 13983ms
  Thread calibration: mean lat.: 4042.802ms, rate sampling interval: 13942ms
  Thread Stats   Avg      Stdev     Max   +/- Stdev
    Latency    28.18s    11.53s   48.76s    59.07%
    Req/Sec   179.50      6.40   185.00     66.67%
  Latency Distribution (HdrHistogram - Recorded Latency)
 50.000%   27.85s 
 75.000%   37.88s 
 90.000%   44.11s 
 99.000%   48.01s 
 99.900%   48.53s 
 99.990%   48.76s 
 99.999%   48.79s 
100.000%   48.79s 

  Detailed Percentile spectrum:
       Value   Percentile   TotalCount 1/(1-Percentile)

    7581.695     0.000000            1         1.00
   12132.351     0.100000         1778         1.11
   16400.383     0.200000         3560         1.25
   20512.767     0.300000         5335         1.43
   24395.775     0.400000         7117         1.67
   27852.799     0.500000         8888         2.00
   30326.783     0.550000         9786         2.22
   32489.471     0.600000        10667         2.50
   34242.559     0.650000        11561         2.86
   36241.407     0.700000        12446         3.33
   37879.807     0.750000        13343         4.00
   38797.311     0.775000        13786         4.44
   39813.119     0.800000        14221         5.00
   40959.999     0.825000        14669         5.71
   42041.343     0.850000        15111         6.67
   43122.687     0.875000        15562         8.00
   43614.207     0.887500        15785         8.89
   44105.727     0.900000        16005        10.00
   44662.783     0.912500        16233        11.43
   45219.839     0.925000        16455        13.33
   45678.591     0.937500        16665        16.00
   45940.735     0.943750        16784        17.78
   46235.647     0.950000        16897        20.00
   46530.559     0.956250        17009        22.86
   46792.703     0.962500        17117        26.67
   47054.847     0.968750        17224        32.00
   47218.687     0.971875        17283        35.56
   47349.759     0.975000        17339        40.00
   47480.831     0.978125        17391        45.71
   47644.671     0.981250        17453        53.33
   47742.975     0.984375        17499        64.00
   47841.279     0.985938        17538        71.11
   47906.815     0.987500        17564        80.00
   47939.583     0.989062        17582        91.43
   48037.887     0.990625        17617       106.67
   48136.191     0.992188        17650       128.00
   48168.959     0.992969        17668       142.22
   48168.959     0.993750        17668       160.00
   48201.727     0.994531        17680       182.86
   48267.263     0.995313        17702       213.33
   48300.031     0.996094        17714       256.00
   48300.031     0.996484        17714       284.44
   48332.799     0.996875        17725       320.00
   48365.567     0.997266        17734       365.71
   48398.335     0.997656        17738       426.67
   48431.103     0.998047        17748       512.00
   48431.103     0.998242        17748       568.89
   48463.871     0.998437        17753       640.00
   48463.871     0.998633        17753       731.43
   48496.639     0.998828        17756       853.33
   48529.407     0.999023        17759      1024.00
   48594.943     0.999121        17766      1137.78
   48594.943     0.999219        17766      1280.00
   48594.943     0.999316        17766      1462.86
   48594.943     0.999414        17766      1706.67
   48660.479     0.999512        17769      2048.00
   48660.479     0.999561        17769      2275.56
   48693.247     0.999609        17771      2560.00
   48693.247     0.999658        17771      2925.71
   48693.247     0.999707        17771      3413.33
   48726.015     0.999756        17773      4096.00
   48726.015     0.999780        17773      4551.11
   48726.015     0.999805        17773      5120.00
   48726.015     0.999829        17773      5851.43
   48758.783     0.999854        17775      6826.67
   48758.783     0.999878        17775      8192.00
   48758.783     0.999890        17775      9102.22
   48758.783     0.999902        17775     10240.00
   48758.783     0.999915        17775     11702.86
   48758.783     0.999927        17775     13653.33
   48758.783     0.999939        17775     16384.00
   48791.551     0.999945        17776     18204.44
   48791.551     1.000000        17776          inf
#[Mean    =    28183.026, StdDeviation   =    11531.114]
#[Max     =    48758.784, Total count    =        17776]
#[Buckets =           27, SubBuckets     =         2048]
  20892 requests in 1.00m, 2.79MB read
Requests/sec:    347.83
Transfer/sec:     47.55KB

Container Logs:
Server running at

Container Stats:
CPU	Memory
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
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0m	6Mi
0m	6Mi
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0m	6Mi

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