install miniconda, any version
create python3.7 virtualenv with conda
conda create -n classroom-cli python=3.7
- activate virtualenv
conda activate classroom-cli
brew install freetds
for mssql db connection, this is for MacOS only -
git clone https://github.com/hxeb/hxeb-scripts.git
pip install hxeb-scripts
List all google classroom courses
hxebclass list-google-courses
Show details of a google classroom course by id
It will show course details, plus teachers and students
hxebclass describe-google-course --id=<id from list-google-courses>
List all hxeb.org classes It is now hard coded for season 48 (2019 Fall)
hxebclass list-org-courses
Sync (auto create if not exists) one class from hxeb.org to google classroom It is now hard coded for season 48 (2019 Fall)
hxebclass sync --id=<id from list-org-courses>
is the unique indentifier for mapping hxeb.org class to google classroom course.
It follows format p:<season_id>-<class_id>
- update students list per course
- Google classroom api only allow creating 30 cources per day https://support.google.com/edu/classroom/answer/7300976?hl=en