Add arriba fusion caller (2526e06 )
add compatibility test (1741fef )
added extra parameter (ddd72fe )
added fuseq_wes and filtering (3362090 )
added rule for drawing Arriba fusions (d0267bd )
added star-fusion (f8ee474 )
added threads (d4e8476 )
ci: add workflow for semantic commits (a654493 )
ci: pull-request template (a80ddc3 )
drop conda support and testing (676db90 )
filter fuseq_wes based on file with fp fusions (c1d9693 )
fusioncatcher (df02e7b )
make config.yaml location more flexible (8cef602 )
make configfile/confgilefiles argument mandatory (49f6ddb )
new arriba version (35ed724 )
New rule: gene_fuse for DNA-fusions (0405e74 )
Rule for reporting only true fusions (hardfilter) (15582e9 )
Rule for reporting only true fusions (hardfilter) (69a20d2 )
update snakemake version, allow range up to version 8 (1872c52 )
update snakemake-version (51d2ce9 )
update snakemake-version (73c8593 )
Bug Fixes
add missing file used by readthedocs (ad33a78 )
added .bai file as input to arriba_draw_fusion (14639e1 )
bugfix same fastq for both mates (1a0445a )
change run column name to flowcell in units. (1cfaf7f )
container: added env file for fusioncatcher (b0826cf )
extra param (f21180d )
extra parameter (4f1e30a )
fake directory for starfusion dry run (777e3d3 )
fix path to script (1b0e67c )
get on input files (8daaf50 )
input dir for R (b3b71b4 )
input dir for R (b53f788 )
log and benchmark files (aa22e04 )
make sure that snakemake doesn't remove all output folders (b3b71b4 )
make sure that snakemake doesn't remove all output folders (9c64d4e )
missing comma (864fb97 )
new config for star_fusion (23bddf2 )
output dir for R (d5c1375 )
output file names (7e5eb5a )
output file names (1ba8d48 )
output to file adapted to dicts (f627281 )
remove output files (f852a2b )
remove priority (7433b54 )
removed unnecessary install of mamba (d10d913 )
reposition parantheses to include all flags (4ef06c4 )
set {} as default for config.get (43fe26e )
update mkdocs rule plugin version to handle comments in rule (489ef35 )
update mkdocs_rule_plugin to handle comments (dc17a18 )
updated requirements (d73d20c )
working docker (1d65f97 )
added all rtd for all remaining rules (571f9e1 )
added rts up until fuseq_wes (ac15d6d )
update mkdocs rule plugin (ef6b075 )
update pycodestyle link (0a7458f )
updated README (302d365 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.