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🍪 Simple cross-browser cookie-consent plugin written in vanilla js


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Cookie Consent

License: MIT Size Stable version

A lightweight & gdpr compliant cookie consent plugin written in plain javascript.

Cookie Consent cover Cookie Consent cover

Table of contents

Key features

  • Lightweight
  • Cross-browser support (IE10+ *)
  • Standalone (no external dependencies needed)
  • GDPR compliant
  • Support for multi language
  • WAI-ARIA compliant
  • Allows you to define different cookie categories with opt in/out toggle
  • Allows you to define custom cookie tables to specify the cookies you use

Installation & Usage

  1. Download the latest release or use via CDN or NPM

    # CDN links[email protected]/dist/cookieconsent.js[email protected]/dist/cookieconsent.css

    Thanks to Till Sanders for bringing the plugin on npm.

    npm i vanilla-cookieconsent
    yarn add vanilla-cookieconsent
  2. Import the plugin: add a script tag pointing to cookieconsent.js

            <!-- head content -->
            <!-- Deferred CSS loading (recommended) -->
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="<path-to-cookieconsent.css>" media="print" onload="'all'">
            <!-- body content -->
            <script defer src="<path-to-cookieconsent.js>"></script>

    Note: replace <path-to-cookieconsent.js> and <path-to-cookieconsent.css> with valid paths!

  3. Configure and run

    • As external script

      • Create a .js file (e.g. cookieconsent-init.js) and import it in your html page

            <!-- body content ... -->
            <script defer src="<path-to-cookieconsent.js>"></script>
            <script defer src="<path-to-cookieconsent-init.js>"></script>
      • Configure the plugin inside cookieconsent-init.js

        // obtain plugin
        var cc = initCookieConsent();
        // run plugin with your configuration{
            current_lang: 'en',
            autoclear_cookies: true,                   // default: false
            page_scripts: true,                        // default: false
            // mode: 'opt-in'                          // default: 'opt-in'; value: 'opt-in' or 'opt-out'
            // delay: 0,                               // default: 0
            // auto_language: null                     // default: null; could also be 'browser' or 'document'
            // autorun: true,                          // default: true
            // force_consent: false,                   // default: false
            // hide_from_bots: true,                   // default: true
            // remove_cookie_tables: false             // default: false
            // cookie_name: 'cc_cookie',               // default: 'cc_cookie'
            // cookie_expiration: 182,                 // default: 182 (days)
            // cookie_necessary_only_expiration: 182   // default: disabled
            // cookie_domain: location.hostname,       // default: current domain
            // cookie_path: '/',                       // default: root
            // cookie_same_site: 'Lax',                // default: 'Lax'
            // use_rfc_cookie: false,                  // default: false
            // revision: 0,                            // default: 0
            onFirstAction: function(user_preferences, cookie){
                // callback triggered only once
            onAccept: function (cookie) {
                // ...
            onChange: function (cookie, changed_preferences) {
                // ...
            languages: {
                'en': {
                    consent_modal: {
                        title: 'We use cookies!',
                        description: 'Hi, this website uses essential cookies to ensure its proper operation and tracking cookies to understand how you interact with it. The latter will be set only after consent. <button type="button" data-cc="c-settings" class="cc-link">Let me choose</button>',
                        primary_btn: {
                            text: 'Accept all',
                            role: 'accept_all'              // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all'
                        secondary_btn: {
                            text: 'Reject all',
                            role: 'accept_necessary'        // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary'
                    settings_modal: {
                        title: 'Cookie preferences',
                        save_settings_btn: 'Save settings',
                        accept_all_btn: 'Accept all',
                        reject_all_btn: 'Reject all',
                        close_btn_label: 'Close',
                        cookie_table_headers: [
                            {col1: 'Name'},
                            {col2: 'Domain'},
                            {col3: 'Expiration'},
                            {col4: 'Description'}
                        blocks: [
                                title: 'Cookie usage 📢',
                                description: 'I use cookies to ensure the basic functionalities of the website and to enhance your online experience. You can choose for each category to opt-in/out whenever you want. For more details relative to cookies and other sensitive data, please read the full <a href="#" class="cc-link">privacy policy</a>.'
                            }, {
                                title: 'Strictly necessary cookies',
                                description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of my website. Without these cookies, the website would not work properly',
                                toggle: {
                                    value: 'necessary',
                                    enabled: true,
                                    readonly: true          // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies"
                            }, {
                                title: 'Performance and Analytics cookies',
                                description: 'These cookies allow the website to remember the choices you have made in the past',
                                toggle: {
                                    value: 'analytics',     // your cookie category
                                    enabled: false,
                                    readonly: false
                                cookie_table: [             // list of all expected cookies
                                        col1: '^_ga',       // match all cookies starting with "_ga"
                                        col2: '',
                                        col3: '2 years',
                                        col4: 'description ...',
                                        is_regex: true
                                        col1: '_gid',
                                        col2: '',
                                        col3: '1 day',
                                        col4: 'description ...',
                            }, {
                                title: 'Advertisement and Targeting cookies',
                                description: 'These cookies collect information about how you use the website, which pages you visited and which links you clicked on. All of the data is anonymized and cannot be used to identify you',
                                toggle: {
                                    value: 'targeting',
                                    enabled: false,
                                    readonly: false
                            }, {
                                title: 'More information',
                                description: 'For any queries in relation to our policy on cookies and your choices, please <a class="cc-link" href="#yourcontactpage">contact us</a>.',

    • As inline script

          <!-- body content ... -->
          <script defer src="<path-to-cookieconsent.js>"></script>
          <!-- Inline script -->
              window.addEventListener('load', function(){
                  // obtain plugin
                  var cc = initCookieConsent();
                  // run plugin with your configuration
                      current_lang: 'en',
                      autoclear_cookies: true,                   // default: false
                      page_scripts: true,                        // default: false
                      // mode: 'opt-in'                          // default: 'opt-in'; value: 'opt-in' or 'opt-out'
                      // delay: 0,                               // default: 0
                      // auto_language: '',                      // default: null; could also be 'browser' or 'document'
                      // autorun: true,                          // default: true
                      // force_consent: false,                   // default: false
                      // hide_from_bots: true,                   // default: true
                      // remove_cookie_tables: false             // default: false
                      // cookie_name: 'cc_cookie',               // default: 'cc_cookie'
                      // cookie_expiration: 182,                 // default: 182 (days)
                      // cookie_necessary_only_expiration: 182   // default: disabled
                      // cookie_domain: location.hostname,       // default: current domain
                      // cookie_path: '/',                       // default: root
                      // cookie_same_site: 'Lax',                // default: 'Lax'
                      // use_rfc_cookie: false,                  // default: false
                      // revision: 0,                            // default: 0
                      onFirstAction: function(user_preferences, cookie){
                          // callback triggered only once on the first accept/reject action
                      onAccept: function (cookie) {
                          // callback triggered on the first accept/reject action, and after each page load
                      onChange: function (cookie, changed_categories) {
                          // callback triggered when user changes preferences after consent has already been given
                      languages: {
                          'en': {
                              consent_modal: {
                                  title: 'We use cookies!',
                                  description: 'Hi, this website uses essential cookies to ensure its proper operation and tracking cookies to understand how you interact with it. The latter will be set only after consent. <button type="button" data-cc="c-settings" class="cc-link">Let me choose</button>',
                                  primary_btn: {
                                      text: 'Accept all',
                                      role: 'accept_all'              // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all'
                                  secondary_btn: {
                                      text: 'Reject all',
                                      role: 'accept_necessary'        // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary'
                              settings_modal: {
                                  title: 'Cookie preferences',
                                  save_settings_btn: 'Save settings',
                                  accept_all_btn: 'Accept all',
                                  reject_all_btn: 'Reject all',
                                  close_btn_label: 'Close',
                                  cookie_table_headers: [
                                      {col1: 'Name'},
                                      {col2: 'Domain'},
                                      {col3: 'Expiration'},
                                      {col4: 'Description'}
                                  blocks: [
                                          title: 'Cookie usage 📢',
                                          description: 'I use cookies to ensure the basic functionalities of the website and to enhance your online experience. You can choose for each category to opt-in/out whenever you want. For more details relative to cookies and other sensitive data, please read the full <a href="#" class="cc-link">privacy policy</a>.'
                                      }, {
                                          title: 'Strictly necessary cookies',
                                          description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of my website. Without these cookies, the website would not work properly',
                                          toggle: {
                                              value: 'necessary',
                                              enabled: true,
                                              readonly: true          // cookie categories with readonly=true are all treated as "necessary cookies"
                                      }, {
                                          title: 'Performance and Analytics cookies',
                                          description: 'These cookies allow the website to remember the choices you have made in the past',
                                          toggle: {
                                              value: 'analytics',     // your cookie category
                                              enabled: false,
                                              readonly: false
                                          cookie_table: [             // list of all expected cookies
                                                  col1: '^_ga',       // match all cookies starting with "_ga"
                                                  col2: '',
                                                  col3: '2 years',
                                                  col4: 'description ...',
                                                  is_regex: true
                                                  col1: '_gid',
                                                  col2: '',
                                                  col3: '1 day',
                                                  col4: 'description ...',
                                      }, {
                                          title: 'Advertisement and Targeting cookies',
                                          description: 'These cookies collect information about how you use the website, which pages you visited and which links you clicked on. All of the data is anonymized and cannot be used to identify you',
                                          toggle: {
                                              value: 'targeting',
                                              enabled: false,
                                              readonly: false
                                      }, {
                                          title: 'More information',
                                          description: 'For any queries in relation to our policy on cookies and your choices, please <a class="cc-link" href="#yourcontactpage">contact us</a>.',

Layout options & customization

You can change the color scheme with css variables inside cookieconsent.css. You can also change some basic layout options via the gui_options inside the config. object; example:{
    // ...
    gui_options: {
        consent_modal: {
            layout: 'cloud',               // box/cloud/bar
            position: 'bottom center',     // bottom/middle/top + left/right/center
            transition: 'slide',           // zoom/slide
            swap_buttons: false            // enable to invert buttons
        settings_modal: {
            layout: 'box',                 // box/bar
            // position: 'left',           // left/right
            transition: 'slide'            // zoom/slide

Default layout is box and default transition is zoom.

You can alter the color scheme by overriding the available css variables which you can find here.

Note: css variables are not supported on IE

How to build an ad-hoc stylesheet with your color scheme:

  1. make sure you have nodejs installed
  2. download/clone this repo.
  3. run npm install
  4. modify src/cookieconsent.css (css variables that will apply to IE are under the :root css selector)
  5. run npm run build
  6. use the newly generated dist/cookieconsent.css stylesheet

Alternatively, you could load a css variables polyfill.

How to block/manage scripts

You can manage any script (inline or external) via the page_scripts option:

  1. Enable page scripts management:{
        // ...
        page_scripts: true
        // ...
  2. Set type="text/plain" and data-cookiecategory="<category>" to any script tag you want to manage:

    <script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="analytics" src="analytics.js" defer></script>
    <script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="ads">
        console.log('"ads" category accepted');

    Note: data-cookiecategory must be a valid category defined inside the configuration object

API methods

After getting the plugin like so:

var cookieconsent = initCookieConsent();

the following methods are available:

  •<optional_delay>, <create_modal>)
  • cookieconsent.hide()
  • cookieconsent.showSettings(<optional_delay>)
  • cookieconsent.hideSettings()

Additional methods for an easier management of your scripts and cookie settings (expand them to see usage example):

  • cookieconsent.accept(<accepted_categories>, <optional_rejected_categories>) [v2.5.0+]

    • accepted_categories: string or string[]
    • rejected_categories: string[] - optional

    Note: all categories marked as readonly will ALWAYS be enabled/accepted regardless of the categories provided inside the .accept() API call.


    cookieconsent.accept('all');                // accept all categories
    cookieconsent.accept([]);                   // accept none (reject all)
    cookieconsent.accept('analytics');          // accept only analytics category
    cookieconsent.accept(['cat_1', 'cat_2']);   // accept only these 2 categories
    cookieconsent.accept();                     // accept all currently selected categories inside modal
    cookieconsent.accept('all', ['analytics']); // accept all except "analytics" category
    cookieconsent.accept('all', ['cat_1', 'cat_2']); // accept all except these 2 categories

    How to later reject a specific category (cookieconsent already accepted)? Same as above:

    cookieconsent.accept('all', ['targeting']);     // opt out of targeting category

  • cookieconsent.allowedCategory(<category_name>)

    Note: there are no default cookie categories, you create them!

    A cookie category corresponds to the string of the value property inside the toggle object:

    // ...
    toggle: {
        value: 'analytics',     // cookie category
        enabled: false,         // default status
        readonly: false         // allow to enable/disable
        // reload: 'on_disable',   // allows to reload page when the current cookie category is deselected
    // ...


    // Check if user accepts cookie consent with analytics category enabled
    if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory('analytics')) {
        // yoo, you might want to load analytics.js ...

  • cookieconsent.validCookie(<cookie_name>)

    If cookie exists and has non empty ('') value => return true, otherwise false.

    // Example: check if '_gid' cookie is set
    if (!cookieconsent.validCookie('_gid')) {
        // yoo, _gid cookie is not set, do something ...

  • cookieconsent.eraseCookies(<cookie_names>, <optional_path>, <optional_domains>) [v2.5.0+]

    • cookie_names: string[]
    • path: string - optional
    • domains: string[] - optional


    cookieconsent.eraseCookies(['cc_cookies']);             // erase "cc_cookie" if it exists
    cookieconsent.eraseCookies(['cookie1', 'cookie2']);     // erase these 2 cookies
    cookieconsent.eraseCookies(['cc_cookie'], "/demo");
    cookieconsent.eraseCookies(['cc_cookie'], "/demo", [location.hostname]);

  • cookieconsent.loadScript(<path>, <callback_function>, <optional_custom_attributes>)

    Basic example:

    cookieconsent.loadScript('', function(){
        // Script loaded, do something

    How to load scripts with custom attributes:

    cookieconsent.loadScript('', function(){
        // Script loaded, do something
    }, [
        {name: 'id', value: 'ga_id'},
        {name: 'another-attribute', value: 'value'}

  • cookieconsent.set(<field>, <object>) [v2.6.0+]

    The .set() method allows you to set the following values:

    • data (used to save custom data inside the plugin's cookie)
    • revision

    How to save custom data:

    // Set cookie's "data" field to whatever the value of the `value` prop. is
    cookieconsent.set('data', {value: {id: 21, country: "italy"}});
    // Only add/update the specified props.
    cookieconsent.set('data', {value: {id: 22, new_prop: 'new prop value'}, mode: 'update'});

  • cookieconsent.get(<field>) [v2.6.0+]

    The .get() method allows you to retrieve any of the fields inside the plugin's cookie:

    cookieconsent.get('level');     // retrieve all accepted categories (if cookie exists)
    cookieconsent.get('data');      // retrieve custom data (if cookie exists)
    cookieconsent.get('revision');  // retrieve revision number (if cookie exists)

  • cookieconsent.getConfig(<field>) [v2.7.0+]

    The .getConfig() method allows you to read configuration options from the current instance:

    cookieconsent.getConfig('current_lang');        // get currently used language
    cookieconsent.getConfig('cookie_expiration');   // get configured cookie expiration
    // ...

  • cookieconsent.getUserPreferences() [v2.7.0+]

    The .getUserPreferences() returns the following object (for analytics/logging purposes):

        accept_type: string,            // 'all', 'necessary', 'custom'
        accepted_categories: string[],  // e.g. ['necessary', 'analytics']
        rejected_categories: string[]   // e.g. ['ads']

  • cookieconsent.updateScripts() [v2.7.0+]

    This method allows the plugin to manage dynamically added/injected scripts that have been loaded after the plugin's execution.

    E.g. dynamic content generated by server side languages like php, node, ruby ...

  • cookieconsent.updateLanguage(<language>, <force_update>) [v2.8.0+]

    Use this method to change modal's language dynamically (without page reload).

    • language: string
    • force_update: boolean - optional



    Note: language will change only if it is valid (already defined) and different from the current language!

    You can also forcefully update the modals (useful if you dynamically change the content of the modals). Example:

    // Change content: e.g. modify modal title
    cookieconsent.getConfig('languages').en.consent_modal.title = 'New title';
    // Update changes
    cookieconsent.updateLanguage('en', true);

Available data-cc actions

Any button (or link) can use the custom data-cc attribute to perform a few actions without manually invoking the api methods.

Valid values:

  • c-settings: show settings modal
  • accept-all: accept all categories
  • accept-necessary: accept only categories marked as necessary/readonly (reject all)
  • accept-custom: accept currently selected categories inside the settings modal


<button type="button" data-cc="c-settings">Show cookie settings</button>
<button type="button" data-cc="accept-all">Accept all cookies</button>

Available callbacks

The following functions have to be defined inside the configuration object passed to the .run() method.

  • onAccept

    This function will be executed:

    • at the first moment that consent is given (just like onFirstAction)
    • after every page load, if consent (accept or "reject" action) has already been given


    • cookie: contains the current value of the cookie


        // ...
        onAccept: function(cookie){
            // load somescript, google analytics ...
        // ...

  • onChange

    This function will be executed (only if consent has already been given):

    • when user changes his preferences (accepts/rejects a cookie category)


    • cookie: contains the current value of the cookie
    • changed_categories: array of categories whose state (accepted/rejected) just changed


        // ...
        onChange: function(cookie, changed_categories){
            // cleanup logic ... (e.g. disable gtm if analytics category is disabled)
        // ...

  • onFirstAction [v2.7.0+]

    This function will be executed only once, when the user takes the first action (accept/reject).


    • user_preferences: contains the same data provided by the .getUserPreferences() API
    • cookie: contains the current value of the cookie


        // ...
        onFirstAction: function(user_preferences, cookie){
            console.log('User accept type:', user_preferences.accept_type);
            console.log('User accepted these categories', user_preferences.accepted_categories)
            console.log('User reject these categories:', user_preferences.rejected_categories);
        // ...

All configuration options

Below a table which sums up all of the available options (must be passed to the .run() method).

Option Type Default Description
autorun boolean true If enabled, show the cookie consent as soon as possible (otherwise you need to manually call the .show() method)
delay number 0 Number of milliseconds before showing the consent-modal
mode string 'opt-in' Accepted values:
- opt-in: scripts will not run unless consent is given (gdpr compliant)
- opt-out: scripts — that have categories set as enabled by default — will run without consent, until an explicit choice is made
cookie_expiration number 182 Number of days before the cookie expires (182 days = 6 months)
cookie_necessary_only_expiration number - Specify if you want to set a different number of days - before the cookie expires - when the user accepts only the necessary categories
cookie_path string "/" Path where the cookie will be set
cookie_domain string location.hostname Specify your domain (will be grabbed by default) or a subdomain
cookie_same_site string "Lax" SameSite attribute
use_rfc_cookie boolean false Enable if you want the value of the cookie to be rfc compliant
force_consent boolean false Enable if you want to block page navigation until user action (check faq for a proper implementation)
revision number 0 Specify this option to enable revisions. Check below for a proper usage
current_lang string - Specify one of the languages you have defined (can also be dynamic): 'en', 'de' ...
auto_language string null Language auto-detection strategy. Null to disable (default), "browser" to get user's browser language or "document" to read value from <html lang="..."> of current page. If language is not defined => use specified current_lang
autoclear_cookies boolean false Enable if you want to automatically delete cookies when user opts-out of a specific category inside cookie settings
page_scripts boolean false Enable if you want to easily manage existing <script> tags. Check manage third party scripts
remove_cookie_tables boolean false Enable if you want to remove the html cookie tables (but still want to make use of autoclear_cookies)
hide_from_bots boolean true Disable if you want the plugin to run when a bot/crawler/webdriver is detected
gui_options object - Customization option which allows to choose layout, position and transition. Check layout options & customization
onAccept function - Method run on:
1. the moment the cookie consent is accepted
2. after each page load (if cookie consent has already been accepted)
onChange function - Method run whenever preferences are modified (and only if cookie consent has already been accepted)
onFirstAction function - Method run only once when the user makes the initial choice (accept/reject)
languages object - Check below for configuration

Full example configurations

  • Configuration with gtag.js - Google Analytics

    1. enable page_scripts
    2. set type="text/plain" and data-cookiecategory="<your-category>" to each script:

    <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics -->
    <script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="analytics" async src=""></script>
    <script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="analytics">
        window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
        function gtag(){window.dataLayer.push(arguments);}
        gtag('js', new Date());
        gtag('config', 'GA_MEASUREMENT_ID');
    <script defer src="<path-to-cookieconsent.js>"></script>
        window.addEventListener('load', function () {
            // obtain cookieconsent plugin
            var cookieconsent = initCookieConsent();
            // run plugin with config object
                autorun: true,
                current_lang: 'en',
                autoclear_cookies: true,
                page_scripts: true,
                onFirstAction: function(user_preferences, cookie){
                    // callback triggered only once
                onAccept: function (cookie) {
                    // ... cookieconsent accepted
                onChange: function (cookie, changed_preferences) {
                    // ... cookieconsent preferences were changed
                languages: {
                    en: {
                        consent_modal: {
                            title: 'I use cookies',
                            description: 'Hi, this website uses essential cookies to ensure its proper operation and tracking cookies to understand how you interact with it. The latter will be set only upon approval. <a aria-label="Cookie policy" class="cc-link" href="#">Read more</a>',
                            primary_btn: {
                                text: 'Accept',
                                role: 'accept_all'              // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all'
                            secondary_btn: {
                                text: 'Settings',
                                role: 'settings'                // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary'
                        settings_modal: {
                            title: 'Cookie preferences',
                            save_settings_btn: 'Save settings',
                            accept_all_btn: 'Accept all',
                            reject_all_btn: 'Reject all',       // optional, [v.2.5.0 +]
                            cookie_table_headers: [
                                {col1: 'Name'},
                                {col2: 'Domain'},
                                {col3: 'Expiration'},
                                {col4: 'Description'},
                                {col5: 'Type'}
                            blocks: [
                                    title: 'Cookie usage',
                                    description: 'I use cookies to ensure the basic functionalities of the website and to enhance your online experience. You can choose for each category to opt-in/out whenever you want.'
                                }, {
                                    title: 'Strictly necessary cookies',
                                    description: 'These cookies are essential for the proper functioning of my website. Without these cookies, the website would not work properly.',
                                    toggle: {
                                        value: 'necessary',
                                        enabled: true,
                                        readonly: true
                                }, {
                                    title: 'Analytics cookies',
                                    description: 'These cookies collect information about how you use the website, which pages you visited and which links you clicked on. All of the data is anonymized and cannot be used to identify you.',
                                    toggle: {
                                        value: 'analytics',
                                        enabled: false,
                                        readonly: false
                                    cookie_table: [
                                            col1: '^_ga',
                                            col2: '',
                                            col3: '2 years',
                                            col4: 'description ...',
                                            col5: 'Permanent cookie',
                                            is_regex: true
                                            col1: '_gid',
                                            col2: '',
                                            col3: '1 day',
                                            col4: 'description ...',
                                            col5: 'Permanent cookie'
                                }, {
                                    title: 'More information',
                                    description: 'For any queries in relation to my policy on cookies and your choices, please <a class="cc-link" href="#yourwebsite">contact me</a>.',

How to configure languages & cookie settings

Languages is an object which basically holds all of the text/html of your cookie modals in different languages. In here you can define cookie categories, cookie tables, opt-in/out toggle for each category and more. For each language, a consent_modal object and a settings_modal object must be configured.

Example with multiple languages ('en' and 'it'){
    // ...,
    languages: {
        'en': {
            consent_modal: {
                title: 'Title here ...',
                description: 'Description here ...',
                primary_btn: {
                    text: 'Accept',
                    role: 'accept_all'      // 'accept_selected' or 'accept_all'
                secondary_btn: {
                    text: 'Settings',
                    role: 'settings'        // 'settings' or 'accept_necessary'
            settings_modal: {
                title: 'Cookie preferences ...',
                save_settings_btn: 'Save settings',
                accept_all_btn: 'Accept all',
                blocks: [
                        title: 'First block title ...',
                        description: 'First block description ...'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Second block title ...',
                        description: 'Second block description ...',
                        toggle: {
                            value: 'my_category1',
                            enabled: true,
                            readonly: true
                    }, {
                        title: 'Third block title ...',
                        description: 'Third block description ...',
                        toggle: {
                            value: 'my_category2',
                            enabled: false,
                            readonly: false
        'it': {
            consent_modal: {
                title: 'Title in italian here ...',
                description: 'Description in italian here ...',
                primary_btn: {
                    text: 'Accept in italian',
                    role: 'accept_all'      //'accept_selected' or 'accept_all'
                secondary_btn: {
                    text: 'Settings',
                    role: 'settings'        //'settings' or 'accept_necessary'
            settings_modal: {
                title: 'Cookie preferences ...',
                save_settings_btn: 'Save settings in italian',
                accept_all_btn: "Accept all",
                blocks: [
                        title: 'First block title in italian ...',
                        description: 'First block description in italian ...'
                    }, {
                        title: 'Second block title in italian ...',
                        description: 'Second block description in italian...',
                        toggle: {
                            value: 'my_category1',
                            enabled: true,
                            readonly: true
                    }, {
                        title: 'Third block title in italian ...',
                        description: 'Third block description in italian...',
                        toggle: {
                            value: 'my_category2',
                            enabled: false,
                            readonly: false

Example with custom cookie table

You can create tables with a custom number of columns to explain what each cookie does.

NOTE: If you want to also use autoclear_cookie, make sure the first column of the cookie table contains the name of the cookie.

Check demo app.js which has a full example with cookie table.

How to enable/manage revisions


  • default revision number is 0
  • if existing revision number is different from the one you just specified => show consent modal
  1. Enable revisions by specifying a valid revision parameter:{
        // ...,
        revision: 1,
        // ...
  2. Set a valid revision_message parameter (optional) inside consent_modal, and add the following placeholder {{revision_message}} inside description:{
        // ...,
        revision: 1,
        // ...,
        languages: {
            en: {
                consent_modal: {
                    // ...,
                    description: 'Usual description ... {{revision_message}}',
                    revision_message: '<br> Dude, my terms have changed. Sorry for bothering you again!',
                    // ...
                // ...
        // ...


  • How to enable dark-mode

    Either manually add the following class c_darkmode to the body/html tag, or toggle it via javascript:


  • How to add link/button to open cookie settings

    Create a button (or link) with data-cc="c-settings" attribute:

    <button type="button" aria-label="View cookie settings" data-cc="c-settings">Cookie Settings</button>

  • How to integrate with my multi-language website

    If you have multiple versions of your html page, each with a different <html lang="..." > attribute, you can grab this value using:


    and then set it as current_lang value like this:{
        // ...
        current_lang: document.documentElement.getAttribute('lang'),
        // ...

    Note: make sure that the lang attribute's value format (example: 'en' => 2 characters) is identical to the ones you defined. If you have 'en-US' as lang attribute, make sure to also specify 'en-US' (and not just 'en') in the config. parameters.

  • How to load scripts after a specific cookie category has been accepted

    Suppose you have a analytics.js file you want to load after the analytics category has been accepted:

    • Method 1 (recommended)

      1. enable page_scripts:{
            // ...
            page_scripts: true,
            // ...
      2. add a <script> tag with the following attributes: type="text/plain" and data-cookiecategory="<category>"

        <script type="text/plain" data-cookiecategory="analytics" src="<path-to-analytics.js>"></script>

    • Method 2

      Load script using the .loadScript() method inside the onAccept method:{
          // ...
          onAccept: function () {
              if (cookieconsent.allowedCategory('analytics')) {
                  cookieconsent.loadScript('<path-to-analytics.js', function () {
                      // script loaded ...

  • Make consent required (block page navigation until action)

    This is a css only solution:

    1. enable force_consent option:{
          // ...
          force_consent: true,
          // ...
    2. That should do it. If you want to remove the weird horizontal jump (due to the scrollbar disappearing) you can add the following style inside the head tag of your page:
          body {
              height: auto!important;
              width: 100vw!important;
              overflow-x: hidden!important;

    For a full example check the second demo.

  • How to create custom cookie tables

    • Cookie tables are defined by you, that is you choose how many columns and what their naming will be
    • Make sure that the first column of the table contains the name of the cookie for autoclear_cookie to work properly

    1. Specify the table structure via the cookie_table_headers property inside settings_modal object:

      Example with 3 columns:

      // ...
      cookie_table_headers: [
          {col1: "Name"},
          {col2: "Source"},
          {col3: "Description"},
      // ...
    2. Now you can create a cookie_table array of objects:

      // ...
      cookie_table: [
              col1: '_ga',
              col2: '',
              col3: 'description ..',
              col1: '_gid',
              col2: '',
              col3: 'description ..',
      // ...

    Check the examples above for a valid implementation.

  • How to use in React

    You can find a live demo ( next.js) on stackblitz.

    1. Create a new component: CookieConsent.js

      import { useEffect } from "react";
      import 'vanilla-cookieconsent';
      import 'vanilla-cookieconsent/dist/cookieconsent.css';
      export default function CookieConsent() {
          useEffect(() => {
              if (!document.getElementById('cc--main')) {
                  window.CookieConsentApi = window.initCookieConsent();
                      // your config
          }, []);
          return null;
    2. Import the component only once (generally in your main/root component like App.js or index.js)

      import CookieConsent from "./<path-to-CookieConsent.js-component>";
      export default function App() {
          return (
              <div className="App">
                  <h1>Hello World</h1>


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


🍪 Simple cross-browser cookie-consent plugin written in vanilla js







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  • JavaScript 78.4%
  • CSS 21.6%