- Test FIFO write: assuming that the image is a horizontal strip with vertical position controlled by SW
- VGA display control syncronization (be noted that the two SYNC signals might change polarity (active high (current) -> active low) if SLM uses regular VGA convention)
- Test FIFO write: use a pattern with variations in each of its horizontal lines. (this checks if the horizontal sync is correct)
- Write vertical strip patterns into memory (64MB)
- Memory to FIFO with the id of line_to_load and the id of image_to_load
- JTAG-UART communication for downloading images to memory (7-segment indicators for loading taking place)
- JTAG-UART communication for experimental commands
- sequencer according the communicated information
- Open Qsys inside Quartus Prime and generate codes.
- Hit Generate HDL codes.
- Start "Start Compilation (CTRL+L)"
Burning onto FPGA
- Open "Programmer"
- If it is a empty one, click Auto Detect and select 5CSEMA5.
- Click Add File and choose output_files/SLMCtrl.sof
- Click Hardware Setup and select DE1-SoC
- Click Start
Burning onto the Flash drive next to FPGA so that FPGA is loaded at power-up everytime 0. (Chapter 8 of DE1-SoC user manual) (please search in google with "DE1 SoC user manual")