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Low Energy Algoritm Framework

This algorithm is an alternative and simple LE fitter than can be used for HyperK and SuperK.

2020/02/09: LEAF was convert as a C++ class and can be included in your code.

New compilation method:

	cd leaf/
	make clean; make
In order to use the class in your code look at example/

Pre-requisite to use the code:

  1. BONSAI installation.
  2. ROOT v5r34 or superior (not tested for older versions, but might work).
  3. HKAstroAnalysis class is private and can be downloaded by SK collaborators on sukap cluster.

Compatibility tested so far:

  1. WCSim-hybrid version: for geometries "HyperK", "HyperK_mPMT", "HyperK_HybridmPMT", "HyperK_HybridmPMT10PC"
  2. In general, with all WCSim-hybrid geometries using whether BoxandLine20inchHQE or PMT3inchR14374 PMTs.
  3. With official HK WCSim: Ask G. Pronost.

How to:

  1. Source after you updated your ROOT directory.
  2. Use the script ./ to define the DataModel (if you have hk-AstroAnalysis, you should setup the global variable)
  3. Enter the leaf/ repository and make clean;make
  4. Enter the example repository and make clean;make
  5. One example of how to run the code is set in example:
  6. inputs PDF, input from WCSim can be downloaded on sukap cluster. Please untar them in the LEAF repository.
  7. You can use shell scripts in shell/ in order to run the fitter or launch on batch.

Useful scripts in ./macros and ./shell

You can compile with GNUMake like following in ./macros:

$ make ProducePDF

Making tuning file (e.g. ./inputs/timePDF_Directionality_DRnew.root)

  1. Produce plots by AnalyzeWSHierarchy: reads out WCSim output and makes plots.
  2. Produce time PDF (and angular PDF) by ProducePDF: uses plots made by AnalyzeWSHierarchy and generate PDFs for LEAF.
$ AnalyzeWSHierarchy -f wcrim_hybrid.root -o plots.root
$ ProducePDF -f plots.root -o PDF.root

Making generic plots

  • LEAFOutputAnalysisHybrid_leafclass: read LEAF output to produce generic plots. If one uses the master branch for LEAF, please use LEAFOutputAnalysisHybrid_master

Shell scripts for analysis of large files

You can refere shell scripts in ./shell in order to analyze many files. They are not working with latest LEAF class and its examples. They are just example how to analyze.

  • generateShellXX.c: this is a root macro which generates shell scripts to be submitted to sukap by
    • generateShell.c
    • generateShell_analyzeWCSim.c
  • this submits jobs to sukap
  • merge generated output by