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feat(pollux): zkp verification #306

feat(pollux): zkp verification

feat(pollux): zkp verification #306

GitHub Actions / Xcode test results succeeded Jan 17, 2024 in 0s

Xcode test results

Testing workspace atala-prism-wallet-sdk-swift with scheme AtalaPRISMSDK-Package


TotalSuccess PassedFailure FailedSkipped SkippedExpected Failure Expected Failure⏱️ Time

Test Summary


  • Device: iPhone 14, 17.2 (21C62)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class DIDParserTests22000
test-class DIDUrlParserTests11000
test-class EncumbasisEncodeDecodeTests11000
test-class MultiCodecTests11000
test-class PeerDIDCreationTests22000
test-class PrismDIDMethodIdTests11000
test-class PrismDIDPublicKeyTests11000


  • Device: iPhone 14, 17.2 (21C62)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class DomainTests00000


  • Device: iPhone 14, 17.2 (21C62)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class MercuryTests00000


  • Device: iPhone 14, 17.2 (21C62)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class CDDIDPairDAOTests55000
test-class CDDIDPrivateKeyDAOTestsTests44000
test-class CDMessagesDAOTests33000
test-class CDRegisteredDIDDaoTests66000


  • Device: iPhone 14, 17.2 (21C62)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class AnoncredsTests33000
test-class JWTTests11000


  • Device: iPhone 14, 17.2 (21C62)
  • SDK: Simulator - iOS 17.0, 17.0
TestTotalSuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure
test-class CheckTests11000
test-class ConnectionRunnerTests11000
test-class DIDCommInvitationRunnerTests22000
test-class HandshakeRequestTests22000
test-class IssueCredentialTests33000
test-class OfferCredentialTests22000
test-class PickupRunnerTests22000
test-class PresentationTests33000
test-class PrismOnboardingInvitationTests22000
test-class ProposeCredentialTests22000
test-class ProposePresentationTests33000
test-class RequestCredentialTests33000
test-class RequestPresentationTests33000

Failure Failures

All tests passed 🎉

Code Coverage

Coverage Covered Executable
Apollo 33.80 % 218 645
  X25519Key.swift 44.68 % 21 47
  Secp256k1Key.swift 53.42 % 39 73
  ApolloImpl+KeyRestoration.swift 0.00 % 0 45
  CreateSec256k1KeyPairOperation.swift 100.00 % 12 12
  KotlinByteArray+Helper.swift 51.72 % 15 29
  LinkSecret.swift 0.00 % 0 32
  ApolloImpl+Public.swift 60.14 % 89 148
  Ed25519Key.swift 37.04 % 20 54
  CreateX25519KeyPairOperation.swift 44.44 % 4 9
  Array+KotlinArray.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  RandomMnemonicsOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  Secp256k1Key+Exportable.swift 0.00 % 0 60
  ApolloImpl.swift 100.00 % 1 1
  CreateSeedOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 27
  X25519Key+Exportable.swift 15.91 % 7 44
  Ed25519Key+Exportable.swift 15.91 % 7 44
  CreateEd25519KeyPairOperation.swift 37.50 % 3 8
AtalaPrismSDK 30.35 % 3526 11616
  Presentation.swift 100.00 % 74 74
  VerifyDIDSignatureOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 37
  CreateJWTCredentialRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 39
  Multicodec.swift 75.86 % 22 29
  Credential.swift 43.75 % 14 32
  LongFormPrismDIDResolver.swift 0.86 % 1 116
  DIDCommInvitationRunner.swift 90.91 % 10 11
  CreatePrismDIDOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 57
  PolluxImpl+Public.swift 0.00 % 0 12
  MessageAttachment.swift 20.00 % 18 90
  MercuryImpl.swift 36.84 % 7 19
  MediationGrant.swift 0.00 % 0 17
  CDDIDPairDao+DIDPairProvider.swift 47.83 % 44 92
  ExportableImportableKey.swift 35.19 % 19 54
  OutOfBandInvitation.swift 16.67 % 1 6
  node_models.pb.swift 11.25 % 228 2026
  Keys.swift 100.00 % 3 3
  MediationRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 15
  AnonCredential.swift 100.00 % 5 5
  W3CVerifiableCredential+Codable.swift 0.00 % 0 94
  CDProofProtocol+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  CreateSeedOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 27
  CDCredentialDAO+CredentialProvider.swift 0.00 % 0 40
  Map+AsyncAwait.swift 0.00 % 0 9
  CDMessage+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 4
  Secret.swift 0.00 % 0 5
  DID+Codable.swift 100.00 % 21 21
  CDMessageDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  PolluxImpl+ParseCredential.swift 72.41 % 63 87
  SignableKey.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  SessionManager.swift 8.16 % 4 49
  DIDCommConnectionRunner.swift 0.00 % 0 23
  PlutoImpl+Public.swift 4.67 % 7 150
  CoreDataManager.swift 60.58 % 83 137
  CDDatabaseKeyDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  AnoncredsCredentialStack+ProvableCredential.swift 80.90 % 72 89
  MercuryImpl+Public.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  ProvableCredential.swift 100.00 % 2 2
  JWTPayload+Codable.swift 74.55 % 82 110
  Ed25519Key.swift 37.04 % 20 54
  PlutoImpl.swift 100.00 % 64 64
  ConnectionAccept.swift 0.00 % 0 55
  PickupRequest.swift 0.00 % 0 13
  CDLinkSecret+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 4
  AttachmentDescriptor+Builder.swift 0.00 % 0 8
  PackEncryptedOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 165
  PrismAgent+Invitations.swift 45.57 % 36 79
  Secp256k1Key+Exportable.swift 0.00 % 0 60
  LongFormPrismDID.swift 0.00 % 0 14
  NSManagedObjectContext+Combine.swift 97.87 % 46 47
  CDRegisteredDIDDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  CDKey+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  PrismOnboardingInvitation.swift 100.00 % 8 8
  PrismDIDPublicKey.swift 69.57 % 80 115
  DIDDocument.swift 35.71 % 35 98
  AnoncredsCredentialStack+StorableCredential.swift 0.00 % 0 35
  UnpackOperation.swift 0.00 % 0 132
  PrismAgent+Credentials.swift 0.00 % 0 140
  OutOfBandParser.swift 100.00 % 14 14
  CDMediatorDIDDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  CreatePeerDIDOperation.swift 82.89 % 126 152
  CDMediatorDIDDAO+MediatorStore.swift 0.00 % 0 97
  PrickupReceived.swift 0.00 % 0 12
  JWTCredential.swift 45.61 % 26 57
  Pollux.swift 0.00 % 0 6
  NSFetchedResultsControllerPublisher.swift 94.51 % 86 91
  KeychainDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 218
  MecuryImpl+SendMessage.swift 0.00 % 0 133
  Castor.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  PeerDID.swift 97.30 % 36 37
  CDLinkSecretDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  common_models.pb.swift 0.00 % 0 262
  LinkSecret.swift 0.00 % 0 32
  CDKeychainKeyDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 1
  KotlinByteArray+Helper.swift 51.72 % 15 29
  Sha256.swift 0.00 % 0 26
  CastorImpl+Public.swift 32.20 % 19 59
  IssueCredential.swift 38.36 % 89 232
  KeychainStorableKey.swift 0.00 % 0 12
  CDKeyDAO.swift 52.94 % 27 51
  CDDID+CoreDataClass.swift 100.00 % 7 7
  CDDIDPairDao+DIDPairStore.swift 91.03 % 71 78
  RequestCredential.swift 50.00 % 88 176
  VerifiableCredentialTypeContainer.swift 50.00 % 5 10
  CredentialPreview.swift 100.00 % 19 19
  Errors.swift 6.33 % 21 332
  CastorImpl.swift 72.73 % 8 11
  ConnectionsManager.swift 3.54 % 9 254
  CreateEd25519KeyPairOperation.swift 37.50 % 3 8
  BasicMediatorHandler.swift 6.78 % 8 118
  PeerDIDResolver.swift 91.30 % 189 207
  X25519Key+Exportable.swift 15.91 % 7 44
  DIDCommSecretsResolverWrapper.swift 0.00 % 0 182
  CDKeychainKey+CoreDataProperties.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  X25519Key.swift 44.68 % 21 47
  CDDIDDAO.swift 0.00 % 0 7
  AnoncredsPresentation.swift 100.00 % 33 33
  PrismAgent+DIDHigherFucntions.swift 0.00 % 0 213
  DIDStore.swift 0.00 % 0 3
  VarInt.swift 41.84 % 41 98


Test Details


DIDParserTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testInvalidDIDs()
Successtest-method testValidDIDs()

DIDUrlParserTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s
Successtest-method testValidDIDUrls()

EncumbasisEncodeDecodeTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s
Successtest-method testDecodeEcnumbasis()

MultiCodecTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testMulticodecCoding()

PeerDIDCreationTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.27s
Successtest-method testPeerDIDCreation()
Successtest-method testResolvePeerDID()

PrismDIDMethodIdTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testSectionsValidation()

PrismDIDPublicKeyTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s
Successtest-method testFromProto()


DomainTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉


MercuryTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s

All tests passed 🎉


CDDIDPairDAOTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
5 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testGetHolderDIDPair()
Successtest-method testStoreNoDuplicatedOtherDIDPair()
Successtest-method testStoreSingleDIDPair()
Successtest-method testWhenHolderNotPersistedThenThrowErrorOnAddingPair()
Successtest-method testWhenStoreHolderDIDAlreadyPairedThenThrowError()

CDDIDPrivateKeyDAOTestsTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
4 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s
Successtest-method testGetAllDIDs()
Successtest-method testGetDIDInfoByDID()
Successtest-method testStoreNoDuplicatedDID()
Successtest-method testStoreSingleDID()

CDMessagesDAOTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s
Successtest-method testGetMessageForDIDPairComponent()
Successtest-method testStoreMessage()
Successtest-method testStoreNoDuplicatedMessage()

CDRegisteredDIDDaoTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
6 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testGetAllDIDs()
Successtest-method testGetDIDInfoByAlias()
Successtest-method testGetDIDInfoByDID()
Successtest-method testGetDIDInfoByKeyIndex()
Successtest-method testStoreNoDuplicatedDID()
Successtest-method testStoreSingleDID()


AnoncredsTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.89s
Successtest-method testCreateMessageRequest()
Successtest-method testParseIssueCredential()
Successtest-method testProvingCredential()

JWTTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s
Successtest-method testParseJWTCredential()


CheckTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)3.65s
Successtest-method testOOB()

ConnectionRunnerTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
1 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvitationMessageThenTryConnectingWith()

DIDCommInvitationRunnerTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidInvitationTypeThenThrowError()
Successtest-method testWhenReceivedOOBUrlThenParseMessage()

HandshakeRequestTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testHandshakeRequestInitFromInvitationMessage()
Successtest-method testHandshakeRequestMakeMessage()

IssueCredentialTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidIssueMessageThenInitIssueCredential()
Successtest-method testWhenValidIssueMessageThenInitIssueCredential()
Successtest-method testWhenValidRequestMessageThenInitIssueCredential()

OfferCredentialTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidOfferMessageThenInitOfferCredential()
Successtest-method testWhenValidOfferMessageThenInitOfferCredential()

PickupRunnerTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenReceiveDeliveryMessageThenParseMessages()
Successtest-method testWhenReceiveNotDeliveryMessageThenThrowError()

PresentationTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidPresentationMessageThenThrowError()
Successtest-method testWhenValidPresentationMessageThenInitPresentation()
Successtest-method testWhenValidRequestMessageThenInitPresentation()

PrismOnboardingInvitationTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.01s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidTypeInvitationThenReturn()
Successtest-method testWhenValidJsonInvitationThenReturn()

ProposeCredentialTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
2 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidProposeMessageThenInitProposeCredential()
Successtest-method testWhenValidProposeMessageThenInitProposeCredential()

ProposePresentationTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidProposePresentationMessageThenThrowError()
Successtest-method testWhenValidProposePresentationMessageThenInitProposePresentation()
Successtest-method testWhenValidRequestMessageThenInitProposePresentation()

RequestCredentialTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.02s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidRequestMessageThenInitRequestCredential()
Successtest-method testWhenValidOfferMessageThenInitRequestCredential()
Successtest-method testWhenValidRequestMessageThenInitRequestCredential()

RequestPresentationTests back

SuccessFailureSkippedExpected Failure⏱️
3 (100%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0 (0%)0.00s
Successtest-method testWhenInvalidRequestPresentationMessageThenThrowError()
Successtest-method testWhenValidProposalMessageThenInitRequestPresentation()
Successtest-method testWhenValidRequestPresentationMessageThenInitRequestPresentation()