A Chip8 emulator written in C with an interpreter approach, with a compact and minimal debugger built in.
The emulator will allow you to run ROMs designed for the Chip8 virtual machine
./chip8.emu <path to ROM>
Keypad Keyboard
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|1|2|3|C| |1|2|3|4|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|4|5|6|D| |Q|W|E|R|
+-+-+-+-+ => +-+-+-+-+
|7|8|9|E| |A|S|D|F|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
|A|0|B|F| |Z|X|C|V|
+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+
- Pause the ROM using
- Restart the ROM using
- Exit the ROM using
To compile the program, run
If you want to compile in debugging mode, uncomment
# CFLAGS = -Iinclude -Wall -Wextra -DDEBUG -g
In the Makefile
's' - Step Forward
'b' - Step Back
'd' - Dump registers, stack, and opcode
'g <0x0>' - Go to location
'm <0x0>' - Print value at memory location
'e <0x0>' - Run amount of instructions
'q' - Quit
'c' - Clear the display
'p <0x0>' - Push a value onto the stack
'P' - Pop a value off the stack
'r <V0x0> <0x0>' - Set register to a value
'h' - Show all commands
To build you will need to install: