This project is a collection of libraries and helpers to simplify the process of importing a CAD model into a Unity3D based application on runtime.
- CATPart: 3D-Daten allgemein (Drahtgeometrie, Flächen, Körper); Workbenches: Part-Design, Generative-Shape-Design, Sketcher,..
- CATProduct: Räumliche Anordnung und Organisation von CATParts und anderen CATProducts sowie weitere Meta-Daten wie Constraints, Sections, Annotations, Measures, Scenes, Workbench: Assembly-Design
- CATDrawing: Zeichnungen, 2D-Daten; Workbench: Interactive Drawing
- cgr: Datenformat zur tesselierten Darstellung von 3D-Daten, Workbench: Assembly-Design (im Visualisierungsmodus mit Cache)
- igs/iges: Für 3D- oder 2D-Daten (Zeichnungen)
- stp/step: Für 3D-Daten und Metadaten, mit Protokollen (Varianten): AP214, AP203,..
- stl: Für 3D-Daten, tesseliertes, weit verbreitetes Format, große Datenmenge
- wrl/vrml: Für 3D-Daten, tesseliertes und komprimiertes Format mit Texturen
- 3dxml: Für 3D-Daten, neues tesseliertes Format von Dassault, kostenloser Viewer
- supports the following models: circuit diagrams, wireframe, freeform surface or solid modeling representations.
- single parts are stored as entities (
- files can be saved in ascii and binary format, however the last one is not supported anymore.
- wide spread
- files are saved in ascii
- one instance/part per line is the convention, but multiple files can be saved in one line
- defined in ISO 10303-21, better walk away?
- ISO 10303-21 defines the encoding mechanism on how to represent data according to a given EXPRESS schema, but not the EXPRESS schema itself.
- wide spread
- standard use case rapid prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided manufacturing
- describe only the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object without any representation of color, texture or other common CAD model attributes
- supports acsii and binary formats
- is a standard file format for representing 3-dimensional (3D) interactive vector graphics
- has been superseded by X3D(iso standard)
- uses xml to describe 3D geometries
- no to be confused with x3D
- 3DXML format is only supported by Dassault Systèmes product line