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Projects for Junior Python Developers

This project contains 11 project ideas from an article at The code is all mine although it may be similar to others given the simplicity of the projects. Most of the scripts require the PyInputPlus module to function properly.

Odd or even

Welcome a user then ask them for a number between 1 and 1000. When the user gives you the number, you check if it's odd or even and then you print a message letting them know.

Mad-libs game

Ask the user for an input. This could be anything such as a name, an adjective, a pronoun or even an action. Once you get the input, you can rearrange it to build up your own story.

Word count

Ask the user what's on their mind. Then after the user responds, count the number of words in the sentence and print that as an output.

Extra credit: open a text file that is pass in as argument, count the number of words in there and print out the sum total.

Biography Info

Ask a user for their personal information one question at a time. Then check that the information they entered is valid. Finally, print a summary of all the information they entered back to them.

What's my acronym?

Ask the user to enter the full meaning of an organization or concept and you'll provide the acronym to the user. Examples:

  • input -> As Soon As Possible output -> ASAP
  • input -> World Health Organization output -> WHO
  • input -> Absent Without Leave output -> AWOL

Rock, Paper, Scissors

Program a game of rock, paper, scissors against the computer.

Guess the number

You ask a user to guess a number between 1 and 50. If they guess outside that range, you prompt with an error encouraging them to choose a number within the proper range.

Is it a palindrome?

Ask the user for give you five words. Then check if any of the five words is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word that remains the same whether it's read forward or backward.

Calculate the tip

Your goal is to find out exactly how much tip you should give after receiving a service. In this scenario, ask for the total bill. Then display the tip for 18%, 20%, and 25%.

Email slicer

Collect an email address from the user and then find out if the user has a custom domain name or a popular domain name. For example:

  • input: [email protected]
    • output: Hi Mary, your email is registered with Google. That's a really popular email provider!
  • input: [email protected]
    • output: Hey peter, looks like you've got a special domani for your email. That's cool!

Lyrics generator

Ask a user to choose from a list of 10 songs. Print out the lyrics to the song they selected. To take things a step further, have at least 3 songs by each artists. Ask the user to choose from a list of artists, then present them with a song choice.


A collection of Jr. Dev. level Python scripts






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