I currently don't maintain this plugin anymore. I may start it back up in the near future with a shit ton of bug fixes, but for now, I'll be keeping quiet. The reason is because I've been very busy, and have little to no time to make this plugin.
A customizable plugin + Mini-Game, made for Faction servers, which offers: Many configurable options, and some that have never been seen before.
Change how player classes generate.
A lot of configurable features you can play around with.
Multi-Arena support
3.0.0 brings in so many bug fixes, and new features added.
You can leave koth arenas! By typing /koth leave
Fixed teleportation bugs when using /koth join (An issue on 2.0.0)
Renamed /koth p1 to /koth pos1
Renamed /koth p2 to /koth pos2
Added Player help commands! Type /koth or /koth help to display those! (Will also include new administrative commands if the sender is opped.
Game timer is now editable in-game! Type /koth setgametime
Added event timer - Will now automatically broadcast whenever a koth event is about to start.
Event Timer is now editable in-game! Type /koth seteventtime
Event timers + Game-timers can now be translated to seconds/ticks. You can type /koth seteventtime , and it will tell you right away how many seconds that is in minutes.
Configurable rewards
Add FactionsPro Support
Add Discord Support
Best customizable koth plugin ever to be made, free
Fixed koth teleportation from not teleporting them to exactly the correct world.
Fixed /koth setgametime from not updating properly.
Fixed /koth seteventtime from not updating.
Add discord virion intergration
No longer require any external plugins to run this plugin.
Add KothPlayer class, where it'll store all of the player data. At the moment, it only supports isInGame(), and setInGame(bool). We may add more to this in the future.
Allow koth worlds to load before the koth arena database get's loaded. This means you will no longer be required to use any external plugins that relate to multiworld.
Fixed Respawn position from becoming broken, and not teleporting you to the koth game upon death.
Add KothPlayer::class API documentation for developers. Done! You can check it out using this link here: https://github.com/iZeaoGamer/Koth-v3.0/wiki/KothPlayer-documentation
Revamp databases, including: Messages, and more configurable options.
ScoreBoard implementation
- And so much more! Just look for yourself, it's more awesome than ever!
- WebHookAPI - This will allow discord support for this plugin. Author: CortexPE - This plugin doesn't require a download. It's already added to the plugin itself.