As someone who is always passionate about learning more about new technologies and experiencing old ones. Abdullah grew up developing Python scripts, and responsive Android applications, and some websites just for fun, and ever since he's been a self-taught app developer. From those humble beginnings, he has evolved into a Web App Developer who loves working with cutting-edge tools and technologies, experimenting design×development×data integrations, and is keen to share his experience with people around the world. He, like any developer who has burnt the midnight oil, knows how to make a mean cup of coffee ☕️ but he loves having a cup of tea more than coffee!
🌱 Currently learning Flutter, Next.js
👨💻 Working from Home now-a-days. All of the projects are available at iabduul7
💬 Ask him about Laravel, VueJs, React Native, JavaScript, Firebase, Python
📫 How to reach him [email protected]
⚡ Fun fact I think everything is easy until I try it