Releases: iainctduncan/scheme-for-pd
s4pd-inlet-1 testing release (Mac only)
Test build of the inlet 1 functionality, here for testers only. Binary for Mac only at this point
For production, please use the 0.1 Beta release
Scheme for Pd 0.1 Beta (Mac and Windows)
Scheme for Pd 0.1 Beta is the first production release of Scheme for Pd.
Binaries should "just work" on both Mac and Windows (32 and 64 bit for windows, no M1 for Mac yet)
Please submit tickets if you hit issues.
Installation: unzip the contents in your Pd externals directory, and make sure you add this directory to your Pd file paths under Preferences -> Path.
Then create an s4pd object, and open the help!
Note: if you previously downloaded and had an issue with help files opening off screen, this has been fixed and the binaries replaced.
s4pd-0.1-beta-rc3 (osx package and source)
s4pd-0.1 beta rc2, package for OSX and source
This should be installable by expanding the zip file into your Pd/externals directory and adding the "s4pd" directory to your file path. You must add the directory explicitly for the Scheme files to be found and loaded correctly.
On Linux and OSX this should also be buildable from source and installable with make install. Note: you will still need to ensure the resulting s4pd directory is on your Pd file path(s).
0.1 release candidate 2
0.1 beta release candidate 2
rc2 adds error messages on startup if scm files do not load properly.
The osx file includes the external (s4pd.pd_darwin) and the scm files, I believe extracting this file in your pd externals directory and ensuring that directory is on your pd file path should "just work" on osx.