Personal Money management App with enhanced UI ✨
- User Login/Signup
- Add/Delete/Clear Transaction
- Profile View/Update
- Distinct view of Expense/Income with Charts/Lists
- more on the way 🤩
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
set MONGODB_LOCALHOST_URL to localhost in development phase
set NODE_ENV to localhost in development phase
Install my-project with npm
npm install
Run the client Side
npm run client
Run the server Side
npm run server
For seeding the data to DB
npm run data:import
For destroying the data from DB
npm run data:export
This project is under development phase .If you have any idea to improve it or make it more interesting, feel free to send a PR, or create an issue for a feature request.
Good luck 🎉!