Learn interactively
cargo install --locked trunk
cd interactive
trunk serve
npx tailwindcss -i ./src/input.css -o ./css/output.css --watch
Single file
Format a specific file by name
leptosfmt ./examples/counter/src/lib.rs
Current directory
Format all .rs files within the current directory
leptosfmt .
Format all .rs files within the examples directory
leptosfmt ./examples
Format all .rs files ending with _test.rs
within the examples directory
leptosfmt ./examples/**/*_test.rs
cargo fmt --all -- --check
cargo fmt --all
rustfmt src/main.rs
adding a _redirects file on the root of your publish directory,
The content of the _redirects file should be the following:
/* /index.html 200
let question_data = McqData {
question: "".to_string(),
correct_answer: "".to_string(),
options: vec![
context: r#""#
let question_data = McqDataMultipleSelect {
question: "".to_string(),
correct_answers: vec!["".to_string(),"".to_string()],
options: vec![
context: r#""#
use crate::components::navigation::nav::Nav;
use crate::components::{mcq_struct::McqData, mcqs::Mcq};
use crate::components::{
mcq_struct::McqDataMultipleSelect, mcqs_multiple_select::McqMultipleSelect,
use leptos::prelude::*;