A Pelican theme
- Responsive design(both on Desktop and Mobile)
- Jupyter notebook optimized.
- Scalable(and responsive) images optimized.
- Reading progress for articles.
- Share buttons (facebook, twiiter and Google plus)
- Google Analytics and GAUGES.
- Code Highlight Styles (github, monokai and darkly)
- Author information for articles and Author page.
- Disqus support
- Last Read (via plugin) [soon to be implemented]
THEME = '/path/to/atyna'
AUTHOR = 'John Doe' SITENAME = 'Johns Blog' SITESUBTITLE = 'How I see the tech world'
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
- COLOR_SCHEME_CSS = 'github.css'
Other color schemes available: monokai.css and darkly.css
If you have a (self) personalized css file and would like to have that running, here's how to:
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
- CSS_OVERRIDE = ['css/mystyle.css']
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
- JS_OVERRIDE = ['']
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
"yourName": {
"cover": "~/images/yourName-cover.png"
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
"Emmanuel": {
"name": "Emmanuel",
"cover": "https://iameo.github.io/downloads/images/avatar.png",
"image": "https://iameo.github.io/downloads/images/avatar.png",
"website": "https://iameo.github.io",
"location": "Nigeria",
"bio": "Write something nice about yourself or what you do (200 words MAX)"
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
Set this in pelicanconf.py:
SOCIAL = (('twitter', 'https://twitter.com/myprofile'),
('github', 'https://github.com/myprofile'),
('envelope','mailto:[email protected]'))
Set this in pelicanconf.py
- HEADER_COLOR = 'black'
Add an external feed URL (e.g FeedBurner) in SOCIAL using the rss or rss-square or feed icons. A tag for the external feed will be placed in instead of the default Pelican feeds.
Pages will be displayed here. Create your page(s) under the content/pages/ directory.
Detailed explanation here: Pelican Doc on pages
- GHOST attila - Got my inspiration from here.
- PELICAN attila - Arulrajnet made a pelican port, which served as a helper template for me.
- My Sister, Augustina. Her name is the reason why the theme is called atyna.