Pinguin is an uptime monitoring tool for your web services written in Go.
This is very much a work in progress. My main motivation for writing this is to learn Go and to build something useful.
Currently, there is no frontend for Pinguin, but it is coming soon.
- docker
- make
This is a work in progress. Ideally, this should be a single docker compose-file or a docker image.
To start Pinguin:
Clone the repository
Install dependencies
This will install the dependencies listed in the Brewfile.make install
Start the server
This will use the docker compose file to spin up 3 containers:db
: TimescaleDBredis
: Redisserver
: Pinguin server
make up
Pinguin stores monitor data in TimescaleDB (which is a Postgres extension).
Pinguin uses Redis as its primary data pipeline for monitoring. It uses a sorted set to store the next check time for each monitor and a list to store the monitors to be checked.
participant S as Scheduler
participant R as Redis
participant W as Worker
participant DB as PostgreSQL
Note over S,R: Monitor Creation Flow
S->>R: Add monitor to sorted set (ZAdd)<br/>with next check time as score
Note over S,R: Scheduling Flow
loop Every Second
S->>R: Check sorted set for due monitors<br/>(ZRangeByScore)
R-->>S: Return due monitor IDs
S->>R: Push monitor IDs to work queue<br/>(LPush)
S->>R: Reschedule monitor with new time<br/>(ZAdd)
Note over R,DB: Worker Processing Flow
loop Continuous
W->>R: Pop monitor from queue<br/>(BRPop)
R-->>W: Return monitor ID
W->>DB: Get monitor details
DB-->>W: Return monitor config
W->>W: Perform HTTP check
W->>DB: Save check results