Willie modules to provide irccat-like functionality to your IRC bot. Inspired by the Last.fm bot from here: https://github.com/RJ/irccat
- Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/iamtew/willie-irccat ~/.willie/irccat
- Add to your Willie config:
extra = /home/yourname/.willie/irccat
Send a string to the listening port starting with the channel name, for example:
echo "#chatroom The time is $(date +'%T')" | ncat -4 localhost 5234
You can also send to a specific user by prefixing the message with an @
, like so:
echo "@iamtew You're the best :)" | ncat -4 localhost 5234
And you can specify multiple targets, like this:
echo "#chatroom,#otherchannel multi-chat" | ncat -4 localhost 5234
Broadcast to all channels the bot is configured to join by specifying #*
echo "#* broadcast" | ncat -4 localhost 5234