This is a module for interfacing python with the Prolog Pengines knowledge base.
Create a basic run pengine server script, and run it with swipl.
:- use_module(library(http/thread_httpd)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(pengines)). server(Port) :- http_server(http_dispatch, [port(Port)]). :- server(4242).
Initialize a basic PengineBuilder
from pengines.Builder import PengineBuilder from pengines.Pengine import Pengine pengine_builder = PengineBuilder(urlserver="http://localhost:4242")
Create the pengine querying object.
pengine = Pengine(builder=pengine_builder)
Make your query -- note the lack of ending period -- Pengine performs the query like 'ask(member(X, [1,2,3], [])).'
query = "member(X, [1,2,3])" pengine.doAsk(pengine.ask(query)) print(pengine.currentQuery.availProofs)
Iterate through the proofs like this:
while pengine.currentQuery.hasMore: pengine.doNext(pengine.currentQuery) print(pengine.currentQuery.availProofs)
Alternatively, the query can be provided to the builder:
src_pl = "foo(a).\nfoo(b).\nfoo(c)." query = "foo(X)" factory = PengineBuilder(urlserver="http://localhost:4242", destroy=False, srctext=src_pl, ask=query) pengine = Pengine(builder=factory) results = pengine.currentQuery.availProofs print(results)
The python library prologterms aims to make it easier to construct prolog programs and query terms from within python.
For an example of how to use prologterms in conjunction with pengines, see:
from pengines.Builder import PengineBuilder from pengines.Pengine import Pengine from prologterms import TermGenerator, PrologRenderer, Program, Var P = TermGenerator() X = Var('X') Y = Var('Y') Z = Var('Z') R = PrologRenderer() p = Program( P.ancestor(X,Y) <= (P.parent(X,Z), P.ancestor(Z,Y)), P.ancestor(X,Y) <= P.parent(X,Y), P.parent('a','b'), P.parent('b','c'), P.parent('c','d') ) q = P.ancestor(X,Y) factory = PengineBuilder(urlserver="http://localhost:4242", srctext=R.render(p), ask=R.render(q)) pengine = Pengine(builder=factory, debug=True) while pengine.currentQuery.hasMore: pengine.doNext(pengine.currentQuery) for p in pengine.currentQuery.availProofs: print('{} <- {}'.format(p[], p[]))