This application is an expense reimbursement system back-end, built via the Spring framework in Java. It is a RESTful API that allows admins, managers, and employees to login, view and manage business related expenses that need to be reimbursed.
User stories describe the functionality of the application and are categorized by the roles defined below:
- All users can login using their username and password
Admins can:
- View all users
- Edit user information
- Delete users
- Add new users
Managers can:
- View all reimbursement requests
- Approve or deny a request
Employees can:
- Submit a new reimbursement request
- Upload an image of a receipt for the expense
- View their own reimbursement requests
- for authentication/users
- for admins to GET and POST to all users/users/{id}
- for admins to GET, PUT, or DELETE a single user/reimbursements
- for employees to GET and POST new expense reimbursement requests/reimbursements/{id}
- for employees to GET, PUT, or DELETE an expense/reimbursements/{id}/receipt
- for employees to POST an image of their receipt/reimbursements/{id}/approve
- for managers to approve an expense via PUT requests/reimbursements/{id}/reject
- for managers to reject an expense via DELETE requests
Any collection endpoint can be paginated via a query param ?limit=5&offset=10
Also, query params for reimbursements include: ?before=12-05-2018&after=07-04-2017
for filtering by date.
- Spring Boot
- Spring MVC
- Spring AOP
- Spring Data JPA
- Spring Security
- Spring HATEOAS
- AWS S3 - for storing receipt image uploads
- JSON web tokens
- Swagger API documentation
For prod environment, the following environment variables are required:
You must ensure these are set in the environment, or else pass them as command-line arguments to set as spring boot properties
To run from source code:
git clone
cd ERS-Java
mvn package
cd target/ && java -jar myArtifact.jar
Alternatively, run with Docker:
# clone the repo & cd into it..
docker build .
docker run -p 80:8080 -dit <imagename>
Or grab the public image:
docker run -p 80:8080 -dit acrenwelge/ers-java:latest