- dotfiles: needs no introduction.
- picom: a fork of the popular compositor with rounded corners and dual-kawase blur support.
- fzf-lua: improved version of fzf.vim written in pure lua for neovim 0.5.
- smartyank.nvim: a solution to neovim copy paste workflow combining local, ssh and tmux.
- nvim-lua: my nvim IDE like config, written in lua.
- ts-vimdoc.nvim: auto-generate vimdoc from markdown using treesitter for your neovim plugin.
- vim cheatsheet: comprehensive vim cheatsheet with lots of tips, tricks and goodies.
- lemontify: OSX-inspired notifications script based on my fork of lemonbar.
- PancakeSwap: a fork of PancakeSwap DEX for the BSC testnet / v2 routers.