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EUCAIM Kubernetes deployment

YAML files for the deployment of EUCAIM's Molgenis in Kubernetes. These deployment files are customised to UPV's deployment. It should be updated to use ingress routes instead of Node Ports to reduce the dependencies on port limitations of sites.

Topology of the deployment

All the services (except those with a cluster-level scope, such as persistent volumes) are deployed under a specific namespace (not hard-coded in the files). The deployment considers 8 Pods:

  • frontend
  • molgenis
  • postgres
  • minio
  • opencppu
  • kibana
  • kibana-dashboard
  • elasticsearch

5 of these pods (molgenis, postgres, minio, elasticsearch and kibana-dashboard) require one or several persistent volumes. These persistent volumes are implemented through NFS volumes that are exposed on a server in the same private network (in UPV's deployment, this server is the front-end of the K8s cluster). The volumes are accessed through Persistent Volume Claims. The frontend pod mounts a config file (/etc/nginx/proxy.d/backend.conf) through a ConfigMap file.

All the pods are accessed through Cluster-IP or NodePort services. In some cases, it should be updated to use ingress routes instead:

  • frontend pod exposes the user interface. Currently, it is exposed on the port 30010 of the K8s front end.
  • molgenis pod is accessed through the frontend pod, but it required to be exposed as a NodePort as the portal redirects to the Proxy address defined in the backend.conf configuration file. In a first approach, a private cluster address (molgenis.eucaim.svc.cluster.local:8080 or simply molgenis:8080 worked well, but after logging in, a redirection to this address is produced and the webbrowser cannot resolve it).

The rest of the port listen at private addresses:

  • es:9200 (app=elasticsearch)
  • kibana:5601 (app=kibana)
  • minio:9000 (app=minio)
  • opencpu:8004 (app=opencpu)
  • postgres:5432 (app=postgres)

Deployment process

Deployment is a bit tricky, as Molgenis is not intended to work within K8s, as some services do not terminate if they fail, but show an error message instead and get blocked. This implies carefully deploying the objects in order.

First step is to deploy the NFS Persistent Volumes using the deployment-nfsvols.yaml file. You have to update the NFS server IP in this file before. Once the NFS PVs have been created, the Persistent Volume Claims can be created using the deployment-nfspvc.yaml file. NFS should be installed in advanced, and exposed only through the private IP of the cluster (you can use the nfs_install.shscript).

sudo kubectl create namespace eucaim
sudo kubectl create -f deployment-nfsvols.yaml
sudo kubectl apply -n eucaim -f deployment-nfspvc.yaml

Before the pods are deployed, it will be convenient to create the appropriate directories and ensure that the permissions are well fixed. Some pods use non-privileged users and fail when writing into the folders. In our case we decided to give full access permission to all users (this does not imply a security issue as it is not exposed outside of the cluster and access to cluster resources is limited to the administrators of the platform.

The hierarcy used in the current deployment is:

  • /mnt/nfs_share/molgenis/postgres
  • /mnt/nfs_share/molgenis/elasticsearch
  • /mnt/nfs_share/molgenis/kibana
  • /mnt/nfs_share/molgenis/minio
  • /mnt/nfs_share/molgenis/molgenis/data
  • /mnt/nfs_share/molgenis/molgenis/audit

Once the storage is defined, we proceed to deploy the pods and the services. First we will deploy the configmap defined in the backend.yaml file (the current value of proxy_pass of is a consequence of the DNS redirection that will be explained in the follwing section. Here we need the address of the molgenis service (e.g. in a NodePort, it could be http://<Public IP of the frontend>:8080, but as UPV restricts the access to resources within its network we had to change it by a proxy DNS). Once the configmap is created, the rest of the objects can be deployed using the deployment-nfs.yamlfile. Finally, we have added the configuration file of nginx as a separate config map to faciltate changing options (e.g. we increased the client max body size to 5Mb). This configuration file is also placed in the backend.yaml file.

sudo kubectl apply -n eucaim -f backend.yaml
sudo kubectl apply -n eucaim -f deployment-nfs.yaml

Some services take longer to start. Docker images are big and starting time could take longer. Therefore, in case of issues, you could delete frontend and molgenis pods and restart them again (These are the ones that typically get stalled). You should check that all the services are responding by pinging the service URIs (using curl and the pair cluster IP : cluster Port).

DNS redirections needed

UPV's premises limit strongly the access to resources deployed on their network, even if they are public IPs. Instead of opening the frontend ports 30010 and 8080, we decided to use a proxy service instead, and created the following redirections:

  • navigate_next
  • navigate_next


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