This Android helloPush sample contains an Android project that you can use to learn more about the IBM Cloud Push Notification Service.
Use the following steps to configure the helloPush sample for Android:
- Download the helloPush sample.
- Create and Configure Push Notification Service.
- Configure the helloPush sample.
- Run the Android app.
- Android Studio 3.1
- Gradle 3.0+
Before you start, make sure you have the following:
- A IBM Cloud account.
- Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) credentials. To obtain your FCM credentials, follow the instructions at
Note: You'll need the project number (Sender ID) and API key to configure your credentials on the IBM Cloud Push Notification Dashboard.
Clone the sample from GitHub using the following command:
git clone
Before you can run the helloPush application, you must set up an app on Bluemix. The following procedure shows you how to create a IBM Cloud push notifications Services.
- Go to Catalog page of IBM Cloud and create Puhs notifications service instance
- In the Configuration tab you will now need to configure your Push Notification Service.
- Navigate to the GCM/FCM Push Credentials section. Enter your GCM project credentials, project number (Sender ID) and API key, and click save.
In Android Studio, open the helloPush Android project.
Download Firebase google-services.json for android, and place them in the root folder of the project.
Run a Gradle sync (usually starts automatically) to import the required
SDKs. You can view the build.gradle file in the following directory:helloPush\app\build.gradle
Open the
class. -
In the application
method, add the correspondingApp Guid
andClient Secret
that you saved earlier to your push.init function:
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// initialize core SDK with IBM Cloud application Region, TODO: Update region if not using IBM Cloud US SOUTH
BMSClient.getInstance().initialize(this, BMSClient.REGION_US_SOUTH);
// Grabs push client sdk instance
push = MFPPush.getInstance();
push.initialize(this, "<APP_GUID>", "<CLIENT_SECRET>");
Note: If your IBM Cloud Push Service is not hosted in US_SOUTH, be sure to update the region parameter appropriately: BMSClient.REGION_SYDNEY or BMSClient.REGION_UK.
- getTags()
- getSubscriptions()
- subscribeToTag()
- unsubscribeFromTags()
You can register and receive push notifications on an Android simulator or physical device.
When you run the application, it displays the Register for Push button. When you click this button, the application attempts to register the device and application to the Push Notification Service. The app displays an alert showing the registration status (successful or failed).
To send a push notification from the IBM Cloud Push Sotifications Service dashboard. Follow Sending basic push notifications
When a push notification is received and the application is in the foreground, an alert is displayed showing the notification's content. The application uses the App Guid
and Client Secret
specified in the onCreate
method to connect to the IBM Push Notification Service on IBM Cloud and associate a unigue User Id. The registration status and content is displayed in the logcat console and on screen.
Please visit for samples - Github Sample
Video Tutorials Available here - IBM Cloud Push Notifications
This package contains sample code provided in source code form. The samples are licensed under the under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may obtain a copy of the License at and may also view the license in the license.txt file within this package. Also see the notices.txt file within this package for additional notices.